Chapter 35

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Raven's POV

It's been four days. Four days since I last saw Jonathan. For days since I've eaten a proper meal. Four days since I've uttered a single word.

Everyone is worried about me. I barely leave my room. I go to school and come back home without so much as a word to anyone.

My dad forced me to go to school these past few days. He says that school is more important than sitting around the house moping about someone I can't bring back.

I didn't argue. James did though. He believes that I should stay at home until I'm not 'zombie-like'. 

I could really careless at this point. I know that everyone wants to make me feel better, but I can tell that they've had enough of my moping, and are  slowly starting to pull away. 

For the last few days Harry and Zayn have been trying to comfort me and cheer me up. It hasn't been working. Harry was the first to give up. Zayn is still around, but not as much. I can feel him slowly starting to pull away.

I don't blame them. I can barely do anything. It's like I'm some kind of robot that has no feelings or emotions.

I can't cry because I did enough of that on Sunday and I don't know how to do normal things, like to laugh or to smile.

Jonathan's funeral is on Saturday.....

His birthday is on Saturday. He would have been turning 19.

Janine asked me to speak at his funeral. When I said yes I was barely thinking straight. It wasn't until later on that I realized something.

What makes me think I can go through an entire speech about Jonathan without breaking down if I can't even go a day without doing that?

I guess I'll figure something out.

Harry's POV

Four days. It's been four days since Jonathan died. Four days I've heard Raven's voice. It's been two days since I finally gave up.

I tried. I tried my hardest to make her feel better. I told her everything she could possibly want to hear, but she never stopped moping about him.

I don't even get why she's so upset. It's not like they were dating. Sure they had a very strong connection with each other, but I doubt he would be acting this way if she died.

Honestly I'm pissed off. We are suppose to be together. I was suppose to pull her out of her sadness, but she wouldn't let me. Instead she just pushed me away and never said a word.

So fine. If she doesn't wanna be with me I don't care. I can have any girl in this whole goddamn town and I chose her. Out of all the girl here I wanted her. 

What a mistake that was. I have Perrie and Samantha wrapped around my finger, yet I wanted the one that made my life more difficult than it already was.

Well you know what. I don't give a damn anymore. I'm gonna call Samantha over and I'm gonna fuck the shit out of her. I'll get over Raven.

She was never worth my time anyway.

Raven's POV

I've been staring out my window for the past few nights and usually I see nothing, but a dark sky with multiple shadows. But tonight feels different.

I feel much calmer. I'm not in a dark mood.

The world outside my window no longer looks dark and dreary. It looks beautiful. The few stars that managed to be seen shine brightly in the sky and the shadows are now gone.

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