Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

After Raven left me standing in the hospitals parking lot, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I tried calling her when I got back to the car, but everytime I called she would send me straight to voicemail.

I watched her house all weekend just hoping that she would come by and try to talk to me, but she never did. Everytime I saw her walk out of her house she was heading to her car and she wouldn't come home until five or six.

I know it's kind of creepy to be watching her through a window, but I couldn't help it. She was being stubborn and didn't want to let me explain what was truly going on with me and Samantha. If I'm being honest I actually have no clue about what is going on with us.

Maybe it's the sex, I mean that girl definitely knows what she is doing, but lately it hasn't felt the same. I mean I can still get off when we have sex, but something just doesn't fell right and I can't put my finger on it.

"Mate, you've been staring out that window all weekend. How about you give it a rest? She isn't going to talk to you any time soon."  I hear Louis tell me.

I turn around and see him standing in the doorway to the living room.

"I can't help it. I really want to talk to her, but every time that I try she just ignores me." I walk over to one of the many couches that we have and take a seat.

"Who knows maybe her brother talked to her and explained that she is acting like a child and needs to talk to you about whatever is going on." Louis says as he goes to look out the window, just like I was doing minutes ago.

"Besides we have school in like thirty minutes, so she should be getting dressed and getting ready to leave and you need to go shower and when you're finished getting dressed we will all leave." I nod my head and head upstairs to take a quick shower.

Ten minutes later I am clean and fully dressed walking down stairs with my backpack hanging from one shoulder. When I reach the front door I see that all of the other boys are practically wearing the same thing. A black shirt with a pair of black pants and then there is Niall who is wearing a white shirt.

I shake my head as I pass by Niall. He is always the only one who never manages to match with the rest of us, but then again that might be the reason that girls find him so adorable.

All six of us climb into two seperate car. In my car is Louis and Keith and it looks like Liam, Zayn, and Naill are taking Louis' car today.

The car ride to school is silent. It's like everyone knows I'm not in the mood for talking to anyone besides Raven.

When we pull up to the school I get a spot that is close to the exit and park. Once all three of us have jumped out the car I throw the keys at Louis and start walking to English.

I make it to my English class without anyone trying to stop me. I was just glad that I didn't see Samantha on the way.

When I walk into class before the bell rings my teacher looks shocked. I think this is the first time that I have ever been early to her class.

I take my seat and ignore the look she gives me. Before I know it she has left the room and I am left alone with nothing, but my thoughts.

A few minutes after Mrs.Shelley left the room the door is opened again and I see Niall walk in and take a seat.

"I know you don't wanna talk, but Louis told me that Samantha wants to talk to you about something." He takes a seat and doesn't utter another word to me.

Not soon after that the bell rings and students start to fill the classroom. I was looking down at my phone when I heard her laugh and looked at the door.

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