Chapter 21

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Raven's POV

I race through multiple backstreets hoping to get to the hospital faster.

As I am crossing a street that will lead me to the parking lot of the hospital I see my dad waiting behind a car at the light.

I don't know if he sees me or not, but as soon as the road is clear I speed across into the parking lot. I swerve around multiple cars that were driving way to slow for my liking. 

A minute later I find a parking spot close to the hospitals entrance. I pull into the spot cutting off some guy who ends up giving me the finger for takinng his spot.

Ignoring his rude gesture I jump out of my car and press the lock key as I am running to the hospitals entrance.

I run to the elevator and start pushing the up button. As I am about to leave and take the stairs, the elevator doors open to reveal that it is empty.

I step into the elevator and hit the button six numerous times. As the doors close I start shaking. I don't know if I'm shaking from fear or excitement.

It's known that people who havr a traumatic event happen to them that put them in a coma can possibly forget certain memories or people. 

I hope James hasn't forgotten me. I wouldn't be able to emotionally handle that. I've waited all this time for him to wake up and for him to not remember me it would break my heart.

The elevator doors open and I run down the hall towards James room. Before I reach his door a nurse steps in front of me.

"You need to stop running. This is a hospital, not a playground." The nurse rolls her eyes, but does not get out of my way.

I don't bother answering her knowing that if I do I will say something rude. I nod my head acting as if I actually cared about what she said.

I speed walk down to room 612. Before I walk in I take a deep breath and turn the knob.

"Look I don't care if she's in school I just wanna see her and make sure she is okay." I hear a deep yet weak voice say.

"James, your father said that they are on the way. Calm down." I hear my mother say in a soothing type voice.

I slowly push the door all the way open and walk into the room.

When I look at the bed I see my older brother sitting up playing with his fingers. His hair has gotten much longer and his body has gotten quite thin. His face is shaved which is not something I'm used to, since every time I have seen him he has had facial hair.

"James?" I whisper.

Even though my mom didn't hear me James looks up and sees me standing there.

"Raven." He whispers.

Forgetting about everything wrong that is going on in my life, I run up to him and wrap my arms around his torso while I cry onto his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his lap.

"Shh it's okay. I'm here now." He whispers into my hair. He places a kiss on my forehead and continues to hug me.

"I thought you were never gonna come back." He pulls me away from him and looks me in the face.

"I always come back, don't I?" I stiffle a laugh and nod my head.

I pull him back into a hug and place my head on his chest and just listen to his heartbeat.

As we lay like this the door opens and in comes my father and Dr.Rogers who looks kind of alarmed.

"Raven I understand that you are happy to see your brother, but you can't sit on him like that. His body is still in a weak state." Dr.Rogers walks over to us and streches out his hand to help me get off of James.

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