Chapter 25

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Raven's POV

I am currently sitting in my car staring out my windshield, trying to figure out if I truly wanna go through with my plan for Harry.

Taking a deep breath I step out of my car and throw my backpack over my shoulder. I saw Harry and Keith talking to each other when I pulled into the parking lot, so I know exactly where to find Harry.

As I walk around a car I see Samantha and Harry. They are off to the side having a conversation and it seems like it is becoming very serious as time goes on.

Deciding to let them have their conversation I walk to Harry's car and find all of the boys standing in a circle. They are smoking something that is definitely not a cigarette.

"Really boys? Smoking weed this early in the morning?" I ask in a disapproving tone.

All of their eyes widen. Louis drops the blunt on the ground and smashes it with his foot.

"Weed? what weed? We have no clue what you are talking about." Louis says while he exhales the smoke out of his lungs and into the air.

"Nice try Louis, but I know exactly what that was and there is no way you can convince me that it wasn't a blunt. Now why are you all smoking this early in the morning?" I put my hands on my hips and pop out my right hip to make it seem like I am actually disaapointed in them.

All five of the boys look at each other before Zayn say "It was Keith's idea." 

Keith gives Zayn a death glare and slightly chuckles when he looks at me. He slightly shrugs and looks away from me.

"Oh look here comes Harry." Keith says in a rushed tone.

"Great. I came here to talk to him anyway not scold you on smoking weed this early in the morning." I look at Keith and shake my head as I turn around and look for Harry.

"So you're not mad?" Keith slowly asks as he comes up behind me and places his hands on my waist.

"No I'm not mad. I was just messing with you guys." I chuckle and place my hand over my mouth to make it seem like the situation is funnier than it actually is.

"Well how about you not do that again, yeah?" Keith pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms all the way around me. I turn my head and look at him.

"And if I do it again?" I ask in a challenging voice.


"You'll remove your arms from around her waist or I will do it for you." I turn my head and see Harry standing behind us with his arms crossed.

Keith nods his head and releases me from his hold. I fix my backpack straps and turn around to face Harry.

"Is there something you need Raven?" Harry asks as Keith walks towards the schools entrance.

"Yes. I actually wanted to talk to you." He nods his head. "Alone."

Harry doesn't say anything, but it seems like he did, because seconds after I asked to speak to him alone the other four boys leave the two of us to talk by ourselves.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" He asks me once all the boys are gone.

"I got the little gifts you left for me last night." His eyes widen and he looks down as if he is scared of how I will react.

"I thought it was lovely." I whisper.

Even though he isn't looking at me I know he is smirking. Whenever he smirks he tends to bite his bottom lip, as if he is trying to make it unnoticeable, but it never works. I can always tell.

"So, we're good?" He looks up at me and the sun hits his face at an angle that the color of his eyes seem like they are a beautiful blue instead of their normal emerald green.

"Yes and no." When he looks at me I give him a small smile before I tell him what I have planned.

"You see I came to realize that I have forgiven you too easily in the past and I wasn't gonna let that happen again, especially after what happened last night. So I would like to propose a deal. If you agree to my terms I will go out with you Friday night to that restaurant you told me about in the note. If you don't then I will walk away and let you figure out an even better way to make it up to me." I cross my arms over my chest and look him straight in his eyes.

"What's your deal?" He is smirking again, but this time he isn't biting his lip. He is full on smirking.

"You have to do whatever I say until I say you don't have to anymore." His eyes widen and he starts laughing.

"That isn't gonna happen. I don't follow orders, I make them." His voice is strong and I know he is trying to show that he is a leader and will not take orders from anyone.

"Fine. Have it your way." I say. "Bye Harry." I turn around and begin walking towards the front entrance of the school.

"Wait!" I hear Harry yell at me.

I turn around and look at him. I see him jogging over to where I am with a worried look on his face.

"What exactly are you gonna make me do?" I shrug my shoulders. I hadn't really thought that far.

"Fine." He sighs. "I'll do it, but if things start to get weird or some shit I'm out. Got it?" I smile and nod my head.

He nods his head and turns around to walk to his car. That's when a thought pops into my head.

"Where do you think you're going, Styles?" Harry turns around and raises one of his eyebrows.

"I'm going to my car and I'm gonna go home. Why do you ask?" He starts tossing his keys in the air. Before I can answer I see all of the boys, except Kieth, come out of nowhere and stand behind him.

"Plans have changed. Get your ass to class." His eyes widen and he turns and looks at Louis before looking back at me.

"I have to go to class?" Harry asks. I nod my head and beckon him forward with my index finger.

"Come on we can walk to class together." He sighs before he starts walking towards me.

He extends his arm out to me and I loop my arm through his. As we walk away I can hear the boys snickering and calling him whipped.

Harry stops walking and turns around.

"Well you heard the girl get your sorry asses to class. If she is making me go I'm gonna make you go." All four boys stop laughing and look at Harry like he's crazy.

The bell rings as Harry gives them a look before he turns around and loops my arm back through his.

We walk in silence all the way to class. As we are walking through the door I see all of the boys go to their classes with a frown on their face. I laugh and walk into class and take my usual seat.

For some reason Harry is sitting in my seat, so I am forced to sit behind him.

As class starts I see Harry and Niall on their phones.

I push the power button on my phone and text Harry: No phones in class. Put it up after you tell the others. -R

Seconds later I see Harry stiffen and slightly turn around to see me staring at him. He quickly turns around and puts his phone up after doing something on it.

Not too long after Harry puts his phone up I see Niall sigh and put his phone up too. I smile and begin to listen to Ms.Shelley's lecture.

Towards the end of class Ms.Shelley tells us we can do whatever we want because she has to do something.

Both Harry and Niall turn around in their seats and give me death glares.

"Can I help you?" I ask innocently.

"Really? No phones?" Niall asks and I nod my head.

Niall groans and put his head on the desk with a loud thump. Harry shakes his head and rolls his eyes as he turns to face the front of the class.

"Just for that eye roll you now have to go to class ALL week and be on time." I whisper in his ear as Iean on my desk.

Harry sighs once again before slowly sinking in his chair.

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