Chapter 43

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Raven's POV 

Two hours after dinner and I am now in Harry's room trying to finish my homework.

Harry and the guys have been gone for the past five hours and honestly it's kind of annoying. I don't know what could possibly be so important that they have to keep me out of it.

For Christ's sake James didn't even know what was going on. But then again he could be lying. Knowing him he would lie just because Harry told him to or because he thinks he is protecting me.

I slam my Precal book shut and shove it off of the bed, letting it hit the floor with a loud thud.

Slipping off of the bed I walk towards my bag that is sitting on Harry's desk. I pull out a tank top and a new pair of underwear, before I walk towards the bathroom.

Making sure that the door is securely locked behind me, I rush towards the shower and turn it on.

I remove my clothes and step into the shower.

As the warm water cascades sown my body I start to think about Keith.

He was acting really weird today and I can't help but relate it to the dream I had about him the other night.

It can't be some kind of coincidence. I have a dream about him trying to convince me to be with him instead of Harry and a few days later he's telling me exactly that.

I don't know what's gonna happen between Keith and I, but I hope he takes my advice and stops trying to take me away from Harry.

Blinking a few times I look outside of the glass door of the shower and see a dark figure standing in the doorway and I also notice that the lights have dimmed to the point where I can barely see.

Gasping I jump back and hit the wall hard.

"Who's there?" 

 I ask as the figure continues to get closer. When the figure is about to open the glass door I close my eyes as hard as I can and place my head in my hands.

"This isn't real. It's not actually happening." I whisper to myself.

When I open my eyes the dark figure is gone and the bathroom door is still closed.

I take a deep breath and place my head on my knees.

God I can't believe I'm seeing things now.

"Boo." Says a voice.

When I hear the voice I look up to find someone standing over me in the shower.

I scream and try to push them so I can make a run for the door.

"Raven calm down. It's me. Harry." 

Finally mustering up the courage I look up to find Harry giving me a small smile.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I notice it's him, but my calmer demeanor soon changes once I realize what he did.

"You inconsiderate asshole!" I yell as I push past him.

"What? What did I do?" Harry asks as he follows me out of the shower.

"You know what you did." I grumble as I wrap a towel around my body.

"You're mad because I scared you?" Harry asks in a disbelieving tone.

"Oh that's only half of it." I mutter as I grab my clothes and walk out of the room.

"Well what else could you be mad about?"

"You've been gone all day with everyone and you're asking me why I'm mad? I had to spend my entire day with Keith. Which wasn't a walk in the park by the way."

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