Chapter 26

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Raven's POV

The rest of the week went by fairly quick. Harry forced all of the boys to go to class all week since I was making him do it.

Against their will each one of them went and they practically hated me for it, but I think they truly hated me once I told Harry he had to do his homework all week. And of course he made them do it too.

Now all of us, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Keith, are sitting in my living room working on our homework together.

It has dawned on me that Keith is the only one that understands half the crap we are learning because he is the only one that goes to class on a regular bases.

I have been trying to explain to the other four boys for the past hour the entire point of the short story Beowulf, but none of them are getting it.

"Guys it seriously isn't that hard. If you actually went to class then you would understand. For Christ sakes I pretty much missed an entire week of school and I understand it better than all of you." I lean back against my couch and shake my head.

"Not everyone is as smart as you, Raven." Zayn says to me as he tosses his pen into the air.

"It's not like it matters anyway. We have all weekend to study for this damn test." Niall says as he throws his notes on the floor.

"All of you are idiots. There is this thing called the internet and we can find spark notes on it or some shit." Louis shouts from his spot on the couch. His voice is kind of muffled since his face is pressed against the cushions.

Louis has been sniffing my couch all week. He claims that is smells like vanilla and jasmine mixed together. I still can't smell it. He says that I'm immune to the smell since I live here.

"Besides we need to go." Harry says as he gets up from his spot on the floor.

"Why are you leaving?" I ask as all of the boys gather their things. Well everyone except Louis who is still smelling my couch.

"You need to get ready." I give Harry a look of absolute confusion.

"What exactly do I have to get ready for?" I ask.

"Our date. You promised that if I agreed to your deal you would go to that restuarant I told you about. I mean the reservation has already been made, so you can't bail." I nod my head and stand up to walk them out.

As we are walking out of the living room Harry passes Louis and grabs the back of his shirt and drags him off of my couch. Niall and Zayn pick Louis up and drag him out of the living room away from my couch.

While Louis is being dragged away I hear him yell; "I will always love you!"

Harry shakes his head as he walks behind a distraught Louis. Once they reach the door Louis stands up, brushes himself off, and walks out of my house.

"I swear that boy gets weird everytime he comes over here." I hear Zayn tell Niall as they walk away.

Harry is leaning against my door frame watching all of the boys cross the street.

"So is there any dress requirements that I should know about?" I ask leaning against the other side of the door frame.

"What do you mean?"

"Do I need to wear a dress or can I go in jeans and a t-shirt?" Harry's mouth make an O shape and he nods his head.

"Wear a nice dress. Nothing too flashy, but nothing too trashy either." He pushes himself off of the door frame and begins to walk down the porch steps.

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