Chapter 9

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Raven's POV

After Harry told me the truth I was to stunned to saying anything else. He didn't tell me their plan, but just from giving me that little piece of information I knew that I had made a terrible mistake.

"Niall. Please take me home." I looked over Harry's shoulder to try and find Niall.

"Raven there is nothing to be afraid of. I promised to protect you and I will." Harry put his hands on my arms. I immediately flinched away from him and into the wall.

"Don't touch me. I just wanna go home. Niall please take me home." My voice cracked and I shut my eyes to try and stop myself from crying.

"Raven you need to believe me." Harry whispered.

"Leave me alone. Niall take me home now!" I yell. I push myself off the wall and start to run for the door.

I open the door that we entered from and opened the passenger seat door. I slammed the door closed and put my face in my hands to try and calm myself.

As I try to focus on my breathing I see Niall walk through the door and get into the car. He starts the car and gives me a look before opening the garage door with some device and backing out of the driveway.

As Niall took me home he tried to talk to me, but I wasn't listening. I couldn't believe that I told them everything that I knew. When Niall pulled up to my house I ran up the porch steps into the house slamming and locking the door behind me.

I pressed my back against the door and close my eyes trying to catch my breath.

As I'm standing against the door I hear a creaking sound coming from upstairs. I stand still to try and figure out where the creaking was coming from.

I hear the creaking again and realize that it's coming from my room. I slowly walk towards the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible.

My parents are out for the weekend so it can't be them. What if it's Jonathan? How would he know that I've already broken the deal we had? I just told Harry all that I knew about them. There is no way for him to know that quickly.

Reaching the top of the stairs I walk towards my brothers door. His door is cracked open a little bit and I see his old baseball bat. I grab the bat and walk towards my room ready to hit whoever this person is.

I push my bedroom door open with my foot and grip the bat with both hands. Out the corner of my eye someone's shadow next to my dresser. I take a deep breath and raise my bat before I push the door open and swing the bat hitting the person in the back.

Before I can swing again I see my dad laying on the floor holding his back. I immediately drop the bat and run over to him.

"Oh my god dad I'm so sorry. I thought you were some random creep that broke into the house." I put my hands under him and help him up onto my bed. He gives me a look before sitting on the bed.

"Well at least I know you can protect yourself when we aren't here." He tells me as he lets out a groan in pain.

I give him a small smile before looking away from him.

"What are you doing here anyway. I thought you and mom were out of town on business?" He gives me a small smile and nods his head.

"We actually went out of town to talk to our lawyers. We want to divorce to be as quiet as possible, so we thought it would be better to go out to our lawyers in the city." He gives me a sad smile before looking at the ground.

I stare at my dad and for the first time I can say that he is hurt. He told my that the divorce was both of their idea, but from seeing him look so broken I'm pretty sure it wasn't his idea at all.

My dad was always one to try and work out problems. He told me to always work out any problem I had because if I didn't then I would never have any type of relationship.

Looking into my dads eyes I see that he is far past broken and is now trying to figure out a way to pick himself up and continue on with his life.

"The divorce wasn't your idea was it?" I ask him. My dad looks up from the ground at my with a look of complete shock.

"Is it that obvious?" He whispers.

"You have this look in your eyes that shows just how broken you are from all of this." He sighs before looking around my room.

"Your mother has been having an affair with some guy at her job. That's the reason for the divorce. She said she doesn't want to be with us anymore." He chokes on his words and buries his face in his hands. I wrap my arms around his shoulders trying to comfort him. It took me awhile but I came to realize that my dad was crying.

He never cries and when he does it's because he doesn't have another way to let out the pain that he is feeling.

"Mom doesn't want to be with us?" I whisper trying not to hurt him any further, but I needed answers.

"When we talked to our lawyers they asked which one of us would you be living with and she said that she didn't want to take care of a little whiny brat like you. I got so mad at her and said some inappropriate things." He sighs before looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"I hope you don't mind living with me." He says.

"Honestly I would kill myself if I lived with that women." I give me dad a smile hoping to cheer him up with my smile.

"I know this is weird to ask, but why were you in ny room?" I ask.

"Your mother and I negotiated that she would keep the house so I wanted to get your clothes and move into the house that I've had for the past few years." My eyes widen from the new information.

"You have another house?" I ask.

"I bought it about two years ago. It was being remodeled which is why I never told you about it, but it's ready for us now. Trust me you'll like it." He whispers.

"I'm gonna go get some boxes so we can start pack your stuff. I wanna be gone before she comes home tomorrow night." I nod my head and help my dad off the bed and to the door.

"I'll stop by that restaurant you like and get us something to eat, okay?"

"Okay dad. Be safe." He gives me one last smile before walking down the stairs and out the front door.

I walk towards the window and watch my dad pull out of the driveway.

After watching my dad drive away I walk toward my closet and start pulling out my clothes.

As I start folding my clothes I hear something fall behind me. I turn around to see that my window is open and my lamp is lying broken on the floor. Confused I walk across the room to close the window.

Before I can turn around I feel someone put their hand over my mouth. I freeze in fear until I heard them speak.

"Don't scream." I start to relax once I realize who it is. I turn around to come face to face with Keith.

"Gosh. Could you not scare me to death." I tell him as I walk to my closet to get my clothes.

"That wouldn't be fun, but I'll be nice and won't scare you for awhile." I shake my head and turn towards my bed.

"Why are you packing your clothes? " Keith asks me.

"My dad and I are moving out." I state and sit down on the edge of the bed next to him.

"Well stop packing and come with me for awhile."

"Why would I do that?" I ask as I lay down on my bed.

"Because I have been told to keep an eye on you and what better way to do that than us doing something together." By the end of his sentence Keith is hovering over me. I put my hands on his shoulder and push him off of me.

"Yea that's fine." I get off my bed abd walk down the stairs to the front door.

Not wanting to wait for Keith I open the door to be met with a gun pointed at my head.

"I told you not to say anything. I thought we had a deal Raven." Jonathan tells me in a very scary voice before I hear the clicking sound of a gun.

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