"What the hell happened to you while I was gone?"

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So this takes place after Spider-Man FFH: but before you click off Tony is still in it! Just read please :)

OH and spoilers for endgame and FFH

Peter's POV 

I was in a conference room with Nick Fury, I was in hiding. After Beck outed me, I haven't gone outside as me or Spider-man, Ned and MJ visit the base, and May has to stay here for her own protection. Dr. Strange comes around occasionally, but today he said he had something for me. Weird. He walked in the room with a laptop and a hard-drive, its kind of a weird sight, a wizard carrying a laptop. He opened the computer without hesitation, and slipped the drive in. "Okay Peter in a few hours you gift will arrive," "Okay?" I replied confused, and with that he was gone. "Huh,"

This time skip has been brought to you by, two spiders, an ant, and a snake.

I was in my room, just wanting to go home, when a blue light appears in front of me then it moves, turning into a shape, a form, a human form. The light got more detailed turning into a man. Tony Stark. "Hey kid," "Mr. Stark?" "The one and only, I uploaded my conscience to the upgraded B.A.R.F AI so I could still be here after I reversed what Thanos had done, look you can even touch me," Tony smiled, "oh and just call me Tony already you know how much I hate-," "Stop," The AI looked at me. "You're not even real, are you?" I paused allowing the tears to fall down my face, "You can't trick me anymore." "Wait, What?" Tony looked at me, "Underoos what are you-" "Stop playing dumb, I've had enough of you're games!" I looked at the AI, it was weird didn't feel my spidey sense like I had on the bridge, but I let this happen again,"You tricked everyone with the real Tony's tech, you tried to kill everyone I love, and if that wasn't enough already you revealed my identity to the world, then decided to frame me for murder!  Haven't you done enough damage already, Mr. Beck?" I took in a shaky breath, and blinked a few times, "Pete, I'm not-" The AI tried to continue, "Leave me alone. Please." With that I ran off  down the hallway but not without hearing "Peter, wait-". "I made it to the conference room and started to break down, the tears from my eyes could have filled an ocean, I tried to calm down, but I just couldn't snap out of it.

Tony's POV

 Peter ran down the hallway, "Peter, wait!" I called be he just kept moving, "kid," tears fell from my eyes, "what the hell happened to you while I was gone?" I said to myself. "What happened?" I mumbled before falling to the ground, mentally destroyed, "what happened?" I repeated.

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