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Tony's POV
May was going on a trip, and Peter got to stay with me while she is gone. I drove to his apartment to pick him up, before walking upstairs and knocking on the door. Peter opened the door, and smiled. "Hey Mr.Stark," "hey kid, is your aunt still here?" He nodded. On que May walked into the kitchen, "oh hey Tony, you're early!"

We talked for a bit, before she realized what time it was, "oh I gotta go," Peter hugged her, "uh peter could you wait outside for a second, I have to tell Tony something." Peter nodded and stepped outside. "Okay, I'm passing on to you parent privileges, you are not his buddy while I'm gone, you're his parent. Got it?" She said while pointing at me. "Yes May I know, but I don't think-" "Nahaaha no but's." "Wait does this mean, I can ground him?" May laughed at that, "I guess, but he hasn't been grounded since he was twelve."

May said goodbye to Peter, and drove away. "Hey happy," Peter said while hopping in the car, "hello." Peter sighed, happy was never very excited to see him.

We pulled up at the tower, and we walked to the lab. "Kid, here are your new suit plans." "Oh my god! That's so cool! Look a the eyes!" I smiled watching the kid get so excited, I think I even spotted some tears.

We started on building the new suit, "do you want to upgrade the web shooters?" "Maybe, let's just add more AI control over them," I nodded, "and take out instant kill." I turned to him, "no! We are not taking out instant kill!" "I'm not going to use it." "What if a guy tries to kill you!?" Peter shrugged, "I'm not killing anyone, if you don't take it out I will." Peter was oddly serious about that topic. "You're grounded." "What you can't-" "May said I was aloud." "I didn't do anything, why?!" "I've never grounded anyone before, it's exciting!" Peter looked so confused. "No it's not!"  "Go to your room." "I don't even HAVE a room here!!" "Oh. Go to my room!" "Why would I do that?!" I shrugged, "because I have the power to send you to rooms! And you have to listen to me!" He groaned, "fine. But I'm taking all the pillows out of their cases." "...deal."

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