"we found him like that."

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natasha and peter have met and are quite close, peter has not met the avengers tho.
tw: panic attack

Peters POV
Run. Swing. Move. Go.
Aunt May was dead. She had died about 2 months ago and the police were looking for me. Well they were looking for Peter, if I just stayed Spider-Man there was no point in worrying. I had no more family, Neds parents weren't financially ready to take in another child, MJs dad hated me.
So there I was sitting in a dirty Spidey suit, alone.
Natashas POV
"So does anyone have something to add?" The team and I were sitting in a meeting. I was incredibly bored, I had my head in my hands, just waiting for Nick to say, "alright get outta here," like a school teacher does at the end of the day. "So spiderman," Fury started, which caught my attention, I know peter he's like a son to me, so I perked up listening to what Fury had to say, "I want intel on him, soon." I heard so grumbles from the team, "alright get outta here."
I had to get to Peter, to warn him of the avengers coming after him. I walked around queens in casual clothes looking around for Spider-Man or Peter, when I see him swing between an almost car accident and push the cars from colliding. I ran up to the scene and caught his attention. "Hey spidey, I have to talk to you." He nodded and jogged to me. "Hey nat!" He said, hugging me. "So uh Fury sent the avengers after you," Peter stopped in his tracks, "uh why?" "Not sure, he said he wanted intel." We talked for a while after that before he said he had to go.
Peters POV
Don't you hate it when your world is falling apart? My aunt is gone, I haven't gone to school in a while because social services are after me, and my hero's are chasing me. Don't you hate it when your world is falling apart?

I made it to my hideout in this old abandoned building, and just sat in there in the dark.
Soon the darkness started to spread, as an aching pain built up in my stomach. Suddenly all of the air in my lungs was gone, the walls were caving in. My vision started to blur, tears were running down my face. I wanted to scream, but nothing would leave my mouth. My head was spinning, round and round, before...

Don't you hate it when your world is falling apart?
Steve's POV
"Hey Stark, repeat those coordinates please?" I said, as I was running down the street with Bucky. Tony, Bucky, and I are on today's spider hunting duty. "39, 6601-, wait hold on I'm getting a heat signature from that abandoned warehouse on Venere Boulevard." "Were following you Tony" Bucky said as we followed the flying red suit.
We made it, not expecting to find a passed out Spider-Man,with no mask on. "Holy shit," Bucky said approaching the small body, "he's a kid." Tony finished.

Tony POV
Friday did a scan, the kid was alive. I flew him to the Med Bay. When we got there I found Bruce, "is the room set up?" "Yeah, room 104," I nodded getting there as fast as possible.

I was in the lab when I got a call, Natasha. "Hey Nat," "get in here." "Where?" "104."
I walked up to the kids room a stared at the door, with the redhead standing in front of it. "What did you do?" She said, in tears. I shook my head, "we found him like that."

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