"oh uh this is MJ"

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Stuff to know: 

Tony's alive because I want him to be :)

And so is Natasha because ^^^^

I also wanted to mention unless I say other wise, Nat and Steve are dating (I ship it :D)


Peters POV

I was walking with MJ towards the tower, after Happy dropped us off. MJ being MJ she tried to hide her excitement with a plain face, but I could see right through her. I was going to introduce her to Mr. Stark today, as my girlfriend, but I could tell she most likely to be more exited to meet Pepper and Natasha. "You exited to meet Nat?" "Hell yeah," she said as we made it to the door of the tower. I saw the receptionist, she knew I was aloud in, but MJ didn't have a badge. "Hey Rebecca, I need a badge for my friend here," "Um, I'd need to call a higher level-" "Hey Peter," Rebecca was interrupted buy a voice I knew all to well, Tony. "-crap, Hi Mr. Stark," "It's Tony kid, anyway whose your friend?" He pointed to MJ who just smiled and waved. "I was actually bringing her to introduce you," "Peter whats her name?" he said like a know it all, but to be fair he does know, it all, "oh uh this is MJ." Tony looked at me and laughed, I'm pretty sure he realized why I wanted to introduce them. "Hey get a badge made for MJ please," Tony told the receptionist, "Yes sir," she said and started to fill out some paper work. "Come on, lets head upstairs so you can meet Nat," I had already texted her about this meeting, so she knew we were coming. Tony, MJ, and I all headed up in the elevator, to Tony's floor, and dropped Tony off. Then MJ and I went to Natasha's floor, "Hey Nat," I called, she walked to us with Steve following behind her. "Hey Peter, Hi MJ nice to finally meet you!" I looked to MJ who was doing something I had never seen before, freaking out. I wanted to record it but MJ would beat my ass later, so I decided against that. They immediately started talking about girl stuff, in MJ's own words, while Steve and I went outside to the roof, "Gotta new girlfriend, huh?" "Well I wouldn't say new,'' "Really? How long have you two been together," "Um, about 9 months," Steve looked shocked but then he blirted out, "What the fu-"

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