"Just pick the damn hammer up."

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I'm hyped off Gushers, Loki's good-ish and lives at the avengers tower along with Thor. 

Loki's POV

I was sitting in the avengers living room, reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone , well kind of reading, I was actually just listening in on their others conversation. "So your the only one who can pick up the hammer?" Clint asked. "Well no, there could possibly be some else who is worthy," he paused, "I have my guesses on who could in this tower." "Am I-" "No." Then Thor just walked away. 

A few minutes later I noticed Barton eyeing me, "What is it Mid-guardian," "Do you know who else could lift the Mjolnir?" "No, other than Steve bu-," . "Well I have an idea..." Clint interrupted with a mischievous look on his face. 

Peter's POV

I walked out of my room and headed down to the living room, Clint had called me downstairs. When I reached the entry way, I saw Clint, Tony, Loki, and Shuri, "Hey guys, whats up?" I noticed the Mjolnir was just sitting on the couch, "-and why is that just sitting there?" I asked pointing to it. Clint looked overly excited when Mr. Stark replied with, "Clint asked me to make a replica so we can prank Thor." "We are just going to pass the fake around when he gets in here," Shuri said. "Cool." I said and Tony picked up the fake hammer.

After the plan was set, we all got in position. "Point Break get in here!" Tony called, and we saw Thor walk into the living room. "What is it Stark," he paused noticing the other people in the room,"-and others?" Tony picked up the 'Mjolnir' and passed it to Shuri then she passed it to Clint, who handed it to me. During this ordeal Thor's face got seemingly more and more shocked. I threw the Mjolnir up in the air, while Loki caught it. "I told you I am the rightful king of Asgard brother." Thor's face brightened then he said, "well now I know it was a trick." He moved his hand up, bringing the real Mjolnir to him, breaking a few vases in its path. "Ha ha thought you could fool me brother?" "Actually it was Clint's-" Thor cut Loki off, "You know I actually believe one of you may be worthy, any guesses?" Thor put the hammer, on the floor, in the middle of the group. "Lets see if I'm right, each of you pick it up." Loki, Tony and Clint each backed up, they already knew they couldn't pick it up, "I know I'm not," Shuri laughed, and stood back with the others. "Well that leaves you Pete," Tony said, "Well I'm not-" "Just pick the damn hammer up." Tony said, I leaned down and grabbed the handle, pulled it and almost fell from how light it was. "I knew it." "My kids worthy."

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