"Jesus Christ, millennials these days..."

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Requested by: @NeehaShaikh9

This is a little different then what you requested, I used the beginning of the prompt but not the end. Thanks for the request!

"Peter you didn't have to come get me I was fine!" "MJ you were literally being mugged, it's my job to help people!"

"It was true I guess, there is no reason for me to be mad at him." "Then why are you yelling at the poor guy over the phone?" Older woman asked, "Well it all started earlier today...

I was walking to the new cafe, that just had opened, I'd invited Peter but Stark had stolen him off that weekend. I decided not to waste the day and went to check it out anyway. I walked through the door, no line, great!
"'Hi, can I get a large caramel mocha to go please?'" "'Yes ma'am, it should be ready in no time,'" I smiled and nodded waiting by a bar area.

Soon a retrieved my drink, and walked outside, I saw Spider-Man swing by, he paused for a second and waved at me, I smiled and waved back, Ironman soon flew by, reminding peter to catch up.

I walked around town for a bit, before noticing a creepy man following me, he eventually started walking next to me, '"uh can I help you sir?"' "'Funny you should ask... you can,"' he said, then he pushed me in an alley! He started to search me for my wallet, when Peter swung down and-"

"wait," the old woman stopped me, "your boyfriend is Spider-Man?!" "Yeah... anyway, Peter swung down and webbed the man to a wall!" "Wait your mad at the guy who saved you from getting robbed?" "Uh- I guess, but anyway-"

"Peter swung off, I guess he had other people to save, but come on I am not a damsel in distress!" The old woman, took her hand bag and smacked the shit out of me, "what the hell was that for?!" "You are a crazy person little girl! You needed to be saved in that moment and he did, but your mad at him for being a hero?!" I just looked confused, "Jesus Christ, millennials these days..." the woman mumbled as she wondered off. 'I guess she's right,' I thought to myself, 'I need to get Nat to teach me how to defend myself.' I walked home, and called Peter to apologize...

I know this is not what you wanted lol but I tried :)

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