"he's a science bro..."

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homecoming happened, but Peter wasn't in civil war (which the avengers handled the accords like normal adults would), Tony and Peter never met, (yet). Peter made a better suit like the one in homecoming but less starky. no karen... :( btw this is sooo long lol

MJ and Peter are together, and she knows hes spiderman.

Peters POV

I was stuck running, well swinging, from Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, and believe me its as hard as it looks. Well for me Mr. Barton is not difficult at all, especially with my spidey sense, but Ms. Romanoff was keeping up with me. The chase was eventually starting to have an audience, cars were racing through every road to see what was happening. I stopped, allowing Romanoff to gain on me, "Okay, as much as I'd like to keep going, I heard someone scream, so your welcome to come along, but I have to see what happened. I swung towards the noise, the Widow was still behind me, as the Hawk was following her.

I eventually made it to an alley, a man who was cornering a young teenage girl, he was blocking her face but she looked tall, slim, and had darker skin, I swung to the roof top above them to get a better view, after a few minutes of watching the situation escalate the man started to yell. Black Widow appeared behind me along with Hawkeye, "Nat what are you doing? Get him." I rolled my eyes, as Romanoff whispered, "Shut the fuck up, Clint, he's working," she said pointing to me. I slowly climbed down behind the criminal, the girl noticed but proceeded not to say anything- wait a second, that's MJ. Crap. I webbed a thick rope between my hands, before quickly I pulled the mans head to my chest, by the neck. "Argh," the man yelled, "MJ, go!" she smiled, "thanks Peter, she whispered as she left. I only caught her words, because of my heightened sense. I webbed the criminal to the wall, before calling to the two avengers, who were still watching me, "do either of you have a pen?" Natasha threw one at my head, which I dodged, and caught in my hand. Before writing on the mans arm, "this guy tried to," I paused, "What were you going to do to her?" "Rob," "Thanks," I replied, I heard Romanoff chuckle as I continued to write, "rob a teenager. - spidey". I climbed back to Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanoff, and handed her pen back to her. Natasha attempted to grab my hand instead of the pen but my spidey sense warned me in time. Barton looked annoyed by this point and pulled an arrow out, my sense warned me at the same time Natasha's push did, "CLINT WE ARE NOT TRYING TO KILL HIM!" she yelled, Clint rolled his eyes, he pulled another one out and shot at my arm, before darkness.

I woke up in a bedroom, my suit was still on, other then a small patch on the arm Hawkeye shot at, which was heavily bandaged. The door opened and T-tony s-Stark walked in, minor fanboy moment. "Oh my god you're," "Iron-man, I know" "-Tony Stark! Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." A few seconds later Dr. Banner walked in, "Oh my god, you're," "the hulk, I know," "-the greatest scientist of this generation! I've read all of your books!" The two men chuckled in front of me, Mr.Stark sat on the bed in front of me, "don't even bother lying, because you're obviously a kid, but what's you grade in science class?" "100.." "gpa?" Dr. Banner cut in, "5.0..." "he's a science bro..." Bruce whispered to Tony. "Anyway," Mr. Stark started, "the team needs to be sure your not a threat, so we need to know your identity..." he finished. "Okay," at this point I was already at the tower, no point in fighting now.

I walked into a conference room and saw all of the avengers, Natasha was as far from Clint as she could get. "Okay kid as I said we need to know your identity," I nodded and took off my mask. All of hell broke loose, "HES A KID" "IM GONNA DIE" "OH MY GOD" the only ones not screaming were Natasha, Tony, and Bruce. The noise was getting to be to much. I backed myself into a corner, and curled up into a ball, Bruce said something to Natasha and Mr.Stark who both shot up and ran to me. Tony helped me up, they took me to a quiet room, and helped me calm down.

3rd person POV
Bruce almost turned into the hulk, while trying to get the three left to quiet down. "You guys are unbelievable, he's in another room right now having a panic attack, because you three can't control yourselves." The three eventually came to the senses and as time went on Peter  started coming to the tower more, he soon came to love all of the avengers, but the three that helped him that day hold a special place in his heart.








He's an asshole...

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