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takes place right after homecoming (May doesn't know he's Spider-Man)

3rd person POV
Peter stumbled in to his bedroom from the window, while clutching his side. "Holy fuck that hurts,"he mumbled. Peter pulled down his suit revealing a dark bruise that covered his waist and chest. He tugged off his suit completely, leaving him with boxers, Peter threw on some sweats and a tank top. "Oh my God, why?" He groaned while holding his bruised stomach. He checked the time, 9:32, he keeps coming home earlier and earlier from patrol.

The vulture had dropped a roof on him, his body wasn't healing as fast as it usually did.

Peter was starting to get worried. What if he died? What would may do? He pulled his hand over his chest, and noticed his inhales were getting shorter. Peter sat up straight, it felt like he was having an asthma attack. He was confused by this, Peter hadn't had one since his spider bite. He reached into his side table drawer to quickly grab his unused inhaler.

He calmed down, before flopping back on his bed, while wincing in pain. He dozed off for a restless night of sleep.


"Peter?" "Hm?" MJ looked at him with a cocked eyebrow, "are you okay? I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes." He just shrugged, "I'm okay, just lost in thought." She nodded, and started talking about the new book she'd been reading. Peter just nodded to her words, trying to get his mind of the aching black skin that wrapped from his side to his chest.

Peter and Michelle were sitting in the library and were currently waiting on Ned. Somehow MJ had gotten the gym coach to allow the three to skip. Something about her ability to beat him with a book, but Peter never really found out it that was a joke or not. Ned walked up to the table and sat down with his laptop. The three chatted for a bit, until the bell rung.

Peter headed outside, and checked his phone.

New Message:
Happy (Harold)
I'm picking you up, bosses orders.

Did you ask my aunt?

Happy (Harold)
Peter nodded to himself and started looking for the black Audi. Soon the vehicle did pull up. The kid slipped in, and sat in silence the entire ride. Happy took note of that, he'd usually have his ear talked off.

When the car stopped, Peter opened the door, but his aunt's parenting broke the silence, "Thank you Happy, have a good day." Peter said, with a fake smile. The driver nodded, only to text Tony about the unusual car ride, as soon as the kid was out of sight.

Happy Hogan
Peter seemed to be in a weird mood, FYI.

Aw, finally starting to care about Pete?

Happy Hogan

Tony Stark
Sureeee, I'll check him out tho

Peter stepped into the elevator. "Hello Mr. Parker, where would you like to go this evening?" "To Mr. Stark please." "Okay, Boss has also been alerted of your presence, and also reminds you to call him Tony." Peter cracked a smile, before heading to the lab.

Tony turned around when he heard the door open. "Hey Pete, how was your day?" "Fine." "Learn anything?" "Nope, just reviewed." "Do you feel okay?" "N- yeah I'm good." Tony cocked his eyebrow, "that was the most unconvincing lie I've ever heard." "I'm not... I'm not lying." "You literally sound like you're being sarcastic." Peter scrunched his forehead, "you're mean." "Oh yeah, a cruel mentor I am." Peter laughed at that.

The two worked in the lab for a bit, until Peter started to feel the aching pain on his side again. He bit his lip to stop himself from screaming. "Mr. Stark it appears Peter is in significant pain." Tony shot his head to the teen, "ithinkfridaymightbebroken." He rushed out in a whispered tone. "Where FRI?" "The upper torso and chest." Peter's eyes widened. "What's wrong?" "N-" "he's been seriously bruised in those areas." "fuck you friday." Peter whispered. The teen closed his eyes, he really hoped this was a long painful dream. "What happened Peter?"


Peter woke up in the med-bay. "What happened?" He asked, he wasn't totally sure who he was asking but any response would do.
"Ya fainted kid." "Really? Why?" "Panic Attack, but you've been out for a few days so I'm starting to think the injury had something more to do with it." Peter sucked in a breath, his lungs hurt will they expanded. He'd had an asthma attack. He felt a few unwanted stray tears fall down his face. "You'll be okay kid, but you need to tell how you got those injury's." Tony calmly comforted. "Well..."



This one was a lot of fun to write 🥴

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