"who are you?!"

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Requested by AubreyG1507
Civil War and Homecoming happened.
Tony's POV

It was a Friday afternoon, and I was in the lab, waiting for Peter to be dropped off so we could talk about ideas for his suit. He had called me the morning before, asking if he could show me some new suit designs. Of course I said yes, as this was an excuse to see my kid, and I wanted to see some of his work.

He eventually showed up, smiling as usual, and he was carrying a rolled up piece of print paper. "Hi Mr. Stark," he waved. "Hey kid, lets see it." He unrolled the sheet and:

"oh my god Peter, this is-" I was cut off by Friday, "Sorry Sir, but you're receiving a call," I sighed, "hold on Pete, Friday send the call to my phone

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"oh my god Peter, this is-" I was cut off by Friday, "Sorry Sir, but you're receiving a call," I sighed, "hold on Pete, Friday send the call to my phone."

I walked out of the lab, while reading the caller ID, Ross. Great.

"What is it Ross? Is was busy." "Ah, I'm sure with Mrs. Stark I presume." "Uh- yeah sure." "Well I'll make it short, the rouges are coming home." My face paled at those words, the rouges are coming home. "Home? You mean here?" "Yes, they'll need to be housed at the tower again to keep under control." I hung up. They'll be here with me and pepper and peter. Shit.

a few weeks later...
Peter POV
Mr. Stark has been off ever since he took that call a few weeks ago, when he came back into the lab he was jumpy. I haven't asked him what happened but I've been trying to cheer him up.

I left school, after texting Happy that I would walk to the tower. When I arrived, I saw a bigger vehicle outside, I looked like a van, but I wasn't sure. I shrugged, assuming Tony had a guest.

I ran up the stairs and walked into the kitchen, and made ramen. I jumped up onto the island and started to eat when I heard some whispering behind me, thanks to my enhanced hearing. I turned seeing- oh my god... "what the hell- Mr. Rogers what are you doing here?!"  The man was standing in front of Barnes, protectively, "who are you?!" "That. Is non of your concern," I said jumping off the counter from my seated position. "Why are you here?" James seemed to be the quiet type, he was a big  guy, but still hiding behind the captain. Soon Mr. Wilson entered, standing with James. "We, have been sent here by Ross, did tony adopt a kid, in a year?" I shook my head, "you three are aware that we've met... right?" Steve rolled his eyes, "sorry kid I don't remember everyone from meet and greets." I laughed at that, "maybe this will ring a bell," I shot a web at caps shield, and gave a small smile. "You tried to kill my dad. Get. Out."

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