"please don't" part four

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part four of six
(for all parts) tw: panic attacks, rape/non con.
Tony's POV
I walked into the kitchen and saw Clint behind the counter in my peripheral vision, "so Clint what was up with the vents-" before noticing someone eating grapes, "and whose this?" "He is who was up in the vents, speaking of that, Peter how did you get up there?" I was confused on why Clint was so calm about some random guy in our vents, before realizing he was obviously a kid,"Oh, well I'm, uh, Spider-Man..." "Wait... what?" Clint and I said at the same time, "yeah um I started a year ago and-" "how old are you kid?" "Uh twenty-" I looked at him with the face of, do you think I'm stupid? "Nineteen?" I shook my head, before Clint cut in, "is that a question or an answer?" "Answer?" We both stared at him until he cracked, "okay fine sixteen..." "SPIDER-MAN IS SIXTEEN?" Clint yelled, "okay how did so... sticky?" I asked. "Well it all started at oscorp..."

After a few hours of talking, I had searched the Missing Kids List, Peter was on the list as-well. "So kid, you're sixteen, Spider-Man, a dropout, and homeless?" "Uh yeah that covers all of it..." "kid I'm sorry I'm going to file a police report, turns out people have been looking for you for over two months," Peter looked up me with watery eyes, "wait..." he paused for a moment "please don't" he said pausing again, "I can't go home, he's still there, if I go back he'll... get me." I was both confused and concerned at this point. "Peter what do you mean..." Clint asked, "who's he...?"

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