"and I was right."

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Peter POV
May came in my room, "hey peter, hope you have a good day at school!" She said kissing me on the forehead. "Woah you feel warm.." she said putting a hand to the place she just kissed. "Do you feel okay? Let me go get the thermometer," when she left the room I started to freak out, 'I thought I couldn't get sick anymore!' I thought. She re-entered the room with the thermometer in hand, she stuck it in my mouth, holding it there for a moment- beep! She took it out, "102, sorry pete but you staying home." "okay..." " I still have work at the hospital, so I call you when I can, get some rest okay." I nodded as she left. I texted Ned and MJ to explain for me at school, while I just sat at home doing my least favorite thing- nothing. I put my spiderman mask on so at least I could talk to Karen. "Hello Peter" "hi Karen I'm bored so could you- " "Peter it seems that you are sick, alerting Tony Stark." "What Karen! No! It's just a cold!" "I'm sorry peter but Mr. Stark wants to be alerted of any problems even," she paused, calculating my sickness, "the flu."
About 10 minutes later, there was a knock at the door, I walked to the wooden door and look through the peephole. Tony, Pepper, Natasha, and Loki were all here. I opened it, "hi guys" and Natasha went into мама паук mode immediately. Literally picking me up, and putting me on the couch. Loki started to make a medication, while Pepper made soup. While Tony picked my feet up from the couch sat and but my feet back down into his lap.
Around three pm the door started to unlock itself, "hey peter, we brought you a get well soon spiderman sticker, I figured the PPPP has everything else covered..." MJ said, before looking up, "and I was right."

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