"what's up kiddo"

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Peter's POV
I was sitting in Mr. Starks lab, at the tower, waiting for him to come back from a meeting, at the shield headquarters. The meeting was supposed to go from 3-5 but it seems to be going overtime because it's currently 6:00.
"Uh Friday?" "Yes, Mr.Parker?" "What time is Mr.Stark supposed to be home?" "Would you like me to ask?" "Yeah just don't tell him I asked." "Yes Peter."

Tony's POV
I was sitting in a meeting with Natasha, Cap, and Fury, we were going way over time. "Come on guys, I'd like to be home now." I said. "We all want to be home Nick," Natasha added. My phone started to ring, the name FRIDAY running across it. "Hang on guys, I have to take this." I left the room, "Yes Friday," "Hello Sir, what time will you be home?" I sighed, but a small smile still evident on my face, "Peter asked?" "No," I laughed a little, "Tell the kid I'll be home soon, and there's ice cream in the fridge." "Yes sir." I popped my head back into the room, "bye, I have a family emergency I have to tend to." I said, before running out the door.

5 minutes later
Peters POV
I was eating ice cream, it was order from Tony himself. When the lab door opened, "what's up kiddo" he said with finger guns, I laughed at that, "that was fast" I said, handing him a spoon. Mr. Stark sat down next to me. "You know strange is right, this is kinda chalky."

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