"I really need a job." part three

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*this is a series*
part three of four

Peters POV
The next morning I woke up to Friday, "Peter this is the last warning, wake up before I have to use the shake 'em protocol. I groaned in response and rolled over in the bed. " initiating shake 'em protocol" Dum-e appeared by my bed and yanked my blankets off. "Ughhhhhh" I said, finally getting out of my warm bed. "Morgan is still asleep, would you like me to wake her up?" "No fri, I'll do it..."

I trudged over to Morgan's bedroom, and quietly opened the door. "Hi Morgan," her small eyes popped open, "*yawn* hi peter," "it's time to get up," "I don't wanna," "me neither sister." She laughed at that, before climbing onto my shoulders. "5 more minutes big brother..." she said with a lazy voice. "Nope,  Friday let us sleep in as long as we could." I picked up Morgan and carried her to the kitchen, before setting her down at the kitchen table, "what do you want for breakfast?" "Um... cereal!"I nodded, "what kind of cereal Morgan?" "Cheerios" "m'kay." I made her breakfast, "thank you, peter," she said with a smile, while I was handing the bowl to her.

"Bye Morgan, I love you." "Love you to, Peter." I waved from the car as she walked to the door of her elementary school. 'Okay, my turn,' I thought to myself as I started driving to midtown.

I opened the car door, and slipped out. Before I literally ran to class, as in I used my full ability, and booked it. I made it, but I got some weird looks while in the hallway. I shut my locker door, which Ned was hiding behind attempting to scare me, but my spidey sense told me. "Damn, I'll get you one day," "haha sure."

Eventually the long school day ended, and I was walking back to my locker. I opened the door, put down some of my books, "ned just stop at this point." "I hate you." "Liar," I said with a laugh, "do we have decathlon today?" "No, it's canceled all week," I turned to my friend in confusion, "why?" "MJs babysitting all week- speaking of MJ." He pointed straight ahead, to the girl at her locker. "I'll catch up with you later ned." "Okay lover-boy." "Shut up."

I jogged over to MJ, who was getting her jacket out of her locker, " hey Michelle," "hi peter," she said in a monotone voice, "so do you need a ride to my house this week?" She turned to me, gave a small smile, and nodded. "Okay, well whenever you're ready, we'll leave." "Okay, well I'm good now, so let's go."

3rd person POV
The two walked to his car, "do you want to put your bag in the back?" Peter asked. She nodded, and did so. 

As they were driving, MJ noticed they missed a turn, to get to his home. "Uh, where are we going?" "To get Morgan," "oh duh-" "you're not babysitting me,"Peter commented jokingly. "I might need to," she said, while smacking him in the arm. "Hey bully!" He smirked, and she laughed a little.

They pulled up to the school, and Morgan hopped in the car. Midway through the ride, morgan just randomly says, "so, you guys are basically my mommy and daddy for the week?" Peter and Michelle's faces both went bright pink. "uh- I guess," mj said awkwardly, while peter just nodded.

The three made it to the house, and Morgan immediately went for the tv remote. "Hold on Morgan, do you have any homework?" Mj asked, "nope!" "Yeah okay," Peter said sarcastically, while taking his jacket off. "Morgan?" The young girl trudged to her room, to do her homework.

"So peter," MJ started while they were doing homework at the kitchen bar, the boy looked up, "yeah Michelle?" "Why do they need a babysitter, if they have a perfectly good son?" "Well I go on pat- to practice" MJ raised her eyebrow, "what starts a eight at night?" "...late night art classes..." "yeah, okay," mj snickered, sarcastically, "male prostitute is my guess." Peter shot up from his paper at that, "what?" "Well you disappear a lot, some kids have places guesses." "And yours is male prostitute?" Peter said with a breathy laugh. "Yeah, and Betty's is a hitman, and Sam's is a bank robber." Peter seemed to relax a bit, because these were all goofy guesses. "Oh yeah and Alex thinks your Spider-Man." Peters eyes widden and face reddened. "Wha-at why-y?" "Well you disappear, you had a major glow up freshman year, and your wear those bracelets all the time, he thinks they are webshooters." MJ looked up and saw his pink face, "wait-"

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