"Peter is done with you."

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requested by @justinthedog123 (not the plot but Wanda x Peter)

peter was in a verbally abusive relationship with Gwynn (sorry I was NOT about to use MJ like that)

Trigger Warning

Wanda x Peter
not smut, romantic fluff
Wanda is 18
Peter is 18

Italics are flash backs.

Peters POV
"You are nothing, you'll never be anything, without me." I jolted up, Gwynn had been stuck in my head for months, and now she'd even made it into my dreams. "why..." I asked, who I asked I don't know, God maybe.

I walked downstairs to the towers kitchen, which was luckily only one flight of stairs below me. I was lost in thought, when I turned to fast and landed on the floor. "Wow, your spidey senses apparently don't work this early in the morning." I looked up, it was Wanda. "Oh shush." I said, bouncing up. "Maybe you should make sure you're thinking before running down the stairs." "You're a brat." I said before play punching her in the arm. I walked over to the cabinet, grabbing a glass and filling it with ice and water. "Hey peter," she started, "why are you up so early?" "I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea what time it is," "4:30" I had luckily set my glass down by then, because I would have dropped it. "Uh- early bird, gets the worm" "yeah sure."

She let the topic rest for a few minutes, but she most likely was just thinking. The two of us were close, and we are there for each other. Always. Soon, that resting topic was awoken, when we were sitting together and the island. "it was a nightmare, wasn't it?" "bingo," I said with a awkward laugh and finger guns. "Peter, was it about her?" I nodded in response, "you need to tell Tony, Natasha, or maybe Pepper. You need a parent." "I know I need to tell them, but I don't wanna."  Wanda hopped down from her seated position, "if you don't, I will." "bitch" "ass" she let out a giggle, before leaving the room. My face turned a light pink color.

Peter Parker. My name is Peter Parker. I have value. I am important- "you need to stop eating." "where are you going every night? You're cheating aren't you." "Why do I even date an ugly piece of shit like yourself."
I'm lucky. She's gone, out of my life. I never have to see her again. "Peter, are you going to ask me to homecoming?" "Would you go with me?" "Yes!" Worst mistake of my life.
I'm Lucky. Wanda found me. Saved me.

She saved the superhero, isn't that a weird idea. I shouldn't have needed saving, but "I hope you die." "Why, what did I do, this time?" "You were born." "I-" that's when Wanda had found me, she came over to aunt mays apartment, to invite me for coffee. She had a key. "Get out." "What the fuck! Peter who is this?!" "Peter is done with you." Thank God for that key.

"Peter!" I jolted my head up towards Natasha who had, apparently, been calling my name for a few solid minutes. "What!" I said in response. "Are you okay? You've been zoned out." "I- yeah, just lost in thought I guess." Nat made her, 'if you are lying I will hurt you', face but I made a fake confused face, that somehow passed that test. I'm not sure who had taken my mind. Wanda or Gwynn? A beautiful sorceress or the demon from down below. 
Wait... did I say beautiful?

Wandas POV
I needed to tell someone. That someone ended up being Natasha. "I have something to tell you." I said in a calm, stern voice. The older woman's eyes slightly widened, but she mainly nodded. "It's about Peter." A small smile appeared, "you're madly in love!" "what! No! Maybe- nO!" "Caught ya!"
"No, Tasha this is serious. He's been hurt."

and just like that mama spider pops out, baring guns and blades.

2 months later
3rd person POV

Peter and Wanda, they were close. Maybe even closer after that event. Peters past was rough, she knew that. Wandas past was rough, he knew that. And, somehow, somewhere, they saved each other.

"Wanda?" "Peter?" "I think- I love you."

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