"And you're above Peters level?"

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requested by @lovedove06
(I changed a couple things but it's a the same basic plot.)

civil war and homecoming happened, the avengers worked everything out... mostly. The tower was never sold. Peter was given his own floor.

Wanda is 19
Peter and MJ are 18
MJ and Peter are dating <3

3rd person POV
Peter woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear. He sat up and rolled his eyes, "today's a new day." He mumbled to himself. He got out of bed, and threw on a sweatshirt and some jeans before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Steve was setting the table, when Peter entered the room. "Morning Spidey." Peter waved in response, before heading to the kitchen. "Good Morning kid." "Hi Mr. Stark." Peter said giving a fake smile.

Peter ate breakfast with Tony, then walked to school. Tony offered to call happy or drive peter himself, but the kid insisted on walking. Tony begrudgingly let him go, as Peter started to school.

He entered the building, and already felt unsafe. Peter turned around to see Flash about to punch him, but Peter wasn't in the mood today so he caught the bully's fist. "Not in the mood Flash." "You're gonna pay for that Parker." "Uh huh." Peter replied dryly.

The teen went to class, and suffered through the mix between English and Flash trying to shoot spitballs at him. He knew everything thing the teacher was saying already, and continued to dodge spitballs.

After his classes, Peter walked to his locker, while wondering why he was so moody today. He shoved his books in, before shutting the door.

MJ met Peter at her own locker, "hey pete," "hi em." "Is okay if I go to the tower tomorrow just to hangout, my mom won't be home so I'll be bored all day." He nodded, "yeah that's fine." She turned to Peter, and cocked her brow, "are you okay? You'd usually be more excited." He shrugged, "I'm fine, I just woke up in a bad mood this morning." "You sure? Ya didn't get hit hard while patrol or something?" Peter just chuckled and rolled his eyes, "I'm good MJ."

Peters POV
Saturday morning rolled around, and MJ was heading over to the tower. "Hey fri, let Mr. Stark know I'm having MJ over." "Yes sir."

Michelle showed up around 10 am, and headed to my floor. The two of us hung out, by just eating food and watching Netflix.

"Mr. Parker, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Maximoff are on the way to your floor." "Okay Friday." MJ turned to me, "who are they?" "The Falcon and the Scarlet Witch." "Cool." "Why is sam coming to my floor?" I mumbled to myself.

Soon the elevator doors spread open and Sam steps out along with Wanda. "Hey guys." Michelle lifted her head from my shoulder, and gave a small wave.

Sam gave off the vibe that he didn't like me, ever since the media dubbed 'civil war'. Probably because I webbed him to the ground, but I did the same to Bucky, who seemed to like me now. So I wasn't sure why sam came to my floor. Wanda and I were actually pretty close friends, she was really nice, almost like a sister to me.

"Hey Peter," MJ said, grabbing my attention from the screen. "Yeah em?" "Do you have a phone charger I can borrow?" I nodded and slid of the couch, before heading into my bedroom to grab it.

As I was walking back to the living area I heard sam speaking (thank you enhanced hearing). "I really don't get why you two hang out with Peter, freely." He said with a chuckled. "That was uncalled for sam." Wanda said. I could feel MJs eye roll. "Makes sense for someone like her [MJ], but come on Wanda you're literally a superhero you could do better." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I suppressed a laugh at Michelle's monotone response. "You're at Parker's level." Sam scoffed. ouch. "And you're above Peters level?" Michelle asked, once again monotone. "Yeah, I'm an actual hero." Sam said. Wanda scoffed, "you mean you have radioactive blood, can lift 25 Tons, and can stick to walls, without having a huge ego?" "Well no but-" "and lets not forget having his own floor in the tower, and not having to share with two other people."

At this point I felt it was necessary to step in, "Uh sam, I think you forgot how overprotective tony is... Friday alerts him whenever someone says anything rude about me." "wha-" "Peter is correct, Tony has been informed, and is on his way to 'kick sams sorry ass'" Sams eyes widened as he attempted to rush to the elevator. "Hey Sam," I said before he got there, "what." He spat. "This seems familiar," "what do you mean-" I cut him off by webbing him to the floor.

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