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Requested by @arrogantdog
Peter is 18, and goes to MIT
Wanda is 19
deal with it.
Peter x Wanda
(not smut, romantic fluff)

Wandas POV
It's officially summer, all the kids are out of school, their all so excited, not knowing what a privilege it is to be able to learn. I didn't get to learn of science, math, history, and the language arts, neither did Pietro.

"Hey Wanda, whatcha thinkin' about?" I looked up, seeing Natasha. "Oh nothing, guess I just got lost in my head," I said with a convincing smile. The woman nodded, sitting next to me, "oh um someone's coming to visit the tower." "Oh who?" "Well it's kind of hard to explain, he's a superhero, but Tony's more in the dad zone..." I tilted my head in confusion, "what's his name?" "Peter, Spider-Man," "oh cool."

Spider-Man did swing through the living room window later that day, "uh hi," the mask figure waved, "do you have any idea where Mr. Stark is, or Nat I'm kinda here as a surprise," he said in one breath, "Natasha is down the y'all in her room," he nodded, pulling off his mask.

I'm not sure what I wasn't sure what I was expecting, maybe someone who was average looking, or maybe the nerdy type (nat had mentioned the guy went to MIT). But I was not expecting a god.

He snuck down the hall and knocked on the door. Natasha opened it, before attacking the hero with a hug. 'Mama spider'. I thought with a smile.

A month later...
3rd person POV

The two teenagers had grown quite close, over the summer. After their first interaction, the scarlet witch had grown interest in the boy that swung into buildings. And after they'd become friends, she had done some research into his web-slinging alter ego, which after find out he'd lifted and entire roof of his body, she gained some respect, as well as a bit of fear of what he'd do to protect his beloved city.

One day, she was alone, walking in the towers library, when she found Peter, in a web hammock, reading what looked to be a book about gamma radiation. He realized her presence, as soon as she noticed him, "hi Wanda," he said hopping down from the hammock, looking down at her. "Hey Peter, sorry if I distracted you..." "no your fine, I've read this a thousand times." "What were you reading?" "Bruce's book on gamma radiation, he is the expert," Peter said with a smile. "Do you have any idea where fantasy books are?" I've been searching, but I can't seem to find it." "Oh yeah, I'll take you to the isle."

The two walked to the isle together talking about teen stuff as Steve would say. When they had finally gotten to the section she was looking for, Wanda ran her finger over the spines of each book, Peter watched her, almost falling into a trance. Wanda seemed to of noticed this, but didn't look into his mind, she tried not to do that anymore.

He snapped out of it when she asked, "have you read the Percy Jackson series?" He laughed a little, "I finished that series in the matter of days. I loved it," she smiled at his fanboying self, "I'll give it go then," Wanda laughed.

time skip duck 🦆

Soon the two were the best of friends, if Peter wasn't with Tony or Natasha, he was with Wanda without a doubt.

Tony started noticing Peter smiling more, he liked it. Whatever Peter was doing, he wanted it to continue, but it didn't take long for tony to realize Wanda had been extra smiley to.

He met with Natasha, and she had seemed to agree. "I wonder if they'll ever start dating," the   man thought out loud, "obviously."

time skip duck 🦆

Peter and Wanda hadn't seemed noticed how flirtatious they'd gotten with each other. They'd sit close together on the couch, ones head on the others shoulder, their hugs lasted longer than most, and more.

But soon they realized their feelings, but the two both being awkward, never said anything, causing more intimacy.

Until... one day they both snapped. Peter walked up to her one day, and they talked as usual, but soon they decided to go sit on the roof, Peters Spot.

Wanda and Peter made it up to the top and watched the sky move, "Peter?" "Yeah wand," he said turning to her, "you were right those books are very good," he smiled a little, and stepped closer to her, 'your smile could light up a room' she though. The two seemed to get closer and closer, until... magic. Their lips touched, final satisfying the want of being close, until that want became more, and the moment was more heated. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she did to his neck.


This got way longer than I thought it would get :) hope you enjoyed!

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