MJs POV I had been babysitting Morgan on and off for a few months. Peter and I started talking more, other then at decathlon, and I can say the we are now friends... well maybe more acquaintances.
Class had just ended, and I was walking to the front doors. I felt my phone buzz, in my pocket. I picked it up and read the message:
Pepper Stark: Can you call? I have a weird request.
Michelle: Yes ma'am. :)
My phone started to ring and hit the accept button. "Hey MJ, um how would you feel about babysitting for about a week? The team has to head upstate for a few major press conferences." "Do you mean just check on her, or sleep over?" "I'd need you to stay at the house, you're the only sitter I trust, and Peter can't because he's- busy..." "I'd have to check with my dad, but I'm sure it would be fine." "Thank you MJ. Text me when you figure it out, bye!"
Peters POV "Tony! What do you mean I can't go?!" Tony rolled his eyes at me for the fifth time tonight. "Peter I need you here, to watch the house, and you have school." I let out a sigh, I guess he is technically right, "boo..." Tony rolled his eyes again and laughed at my demise. "Oh and Pepper hired MJ to watch Morgan while we are gone, so don't be running around in your suit." "Whatever..."
I went upstairs to my room, and laid on my bed for a few minutes, just thinking about what to do. Eventually I got up, and started drawing at my desk. I finished coloring the piece and realized what, well more like who, I had drawn.
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(not mine) "Shit- why can't I get her out of my head?" I mumbled to myself
I threw the sketchbook in a random drawer, and made a web hammock.
The next morning I woke up to FRIDAY speaking. "Good morning Peter," "morning fri." "You may want to eat with the team this morning, as they are leaving later today." I nodded and slipped down the stairs.
The team (Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Steve, Clint, and Bruce) we're leaving the house as I sat in the common room with Morgan. "Peter," I looked to the door, it was pepper. "No patrol tonight, I need you to drop Morgan off, at school, in the morning. MJ is coming here after school tomorrow, she knows her schedule." I nodded in response, "I love you sweetie," "love you too Pepper." "Bye." She said, in a whispered tone, realizing Morgan had fallen asleep, while snuggled into my side.