"Excuse me ma'am do you have 7 minutes to talk about our environment?"

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Some true Spider bro energy 🕷️

Peter POV

Fury called Me, Mr.Stark, and Nat to a meeting, I'm not totally sure why he asked me to come, but he did. Mr. Stark and I were in the lab, so we walked up together. When we reached the conference room, I saw Natasha already in there, "Hey Nat," "hi ребенок паук," she replied with a wave. Tony sat at the head of the table, across from Fury, while Natasha and I sat next to Mr. Stark, across from each other. Fury started to speak, grabbing our attention, "So I assume you're all wondering why I called you here," "You got it Blackbeard, whats this about?" Tony said snarly. Fury scoffed and continued, "I've got you two a mission," he pointed to me and Nat. I was confused, "with all due respect sir, if the mission is for me and Natasha why is Tony here," "offended," Tony mumbled, Natasha snickered at that. "Because if I had set up a mission with you and not let Tony know, you wouldn't be going." "Fair enough," I said. "You may not be going anyway, if this mission bad," Tony said sternly. "What! come on, if it was that bad he wouldn't of called me!" I said, Natasha nodded to agree, "If it was easy he wouldn't of called Nat," Tony snapped back. "I'm torn here, whats the mission Fury?" Natasha asked. "I need you to find this weapon," He paused showing us an image that looked quite familiar, a weapon Vulture had made. "Where do we start?" I asked. "Its currently located in the basement of a store in Jersey." "So these two just have to go get a weapon? Okay whatever." Tony said and got up and left. "Alright now that he's gone, let me show you what this weapon can do.

A few days had passed and me and Natasha had made our way to Jersey, fury wanted me to go as Peter Parker instead of Spider-Man, that way we wouldn't be noticed. Currently we were in a food court of the mall the weapons store was in. It was 7:30 PM and the mall closed at 8:00 so we had to get in the store and make sure we could stay in there over night. "We have make sure that everyone eyes are off of us." Natasha whispered to me, "got it," I whispered back as we started to walk. I nudged Nat telling her I was about to make a scene, I walked to the closest person to me and said "Excuse me ma'am, do you have 7 minutes to talk about our environment?" I said kind of loud, she shook her head no and walked away. I got back with Nat, who was trying not to laugh, "That was perfect," she smiled.

Lets just say we got the weapon, and Nat started to take me on more missions. #MamaSpider 

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