"I really need a job." part one

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*this is a series*
part one of four

peter is 17, and he his Tony and Pepper's adoptive son, he is spiderman. Morgan is 7.

MJ and peter just talk through decathlon, and aren't friends out of school.
(Endgame/ Infinity war didn't happen)

Betty and I were walking through a store, both of us were pointing out cute things that we can't afford.

"I really need a job." I said, sparking a conversation. "You should try babysitting," I shrugged at that, "it sounds okay, but I'm not very good with little kids." Betty nodded, "just babysit older kids." "How old are kids that need to be babysat?" "Like 6" she said, with a questioning tone in her voice. I shrugged again, while holding up a tee shirt.

later that night...

I sat on the edge of my bed, setting up a website on a free website maker, I clicked upload and closed my laptop.

The next morning, I checked my phone, and noticed I had a few emails, from the babysitting site I made. A someone wanted to interview me to see if I could handle their kid. I replied with a quick, "sure, where could we meet?" "Today, at the cabana, at 5. Look for a redhead." "Okay."

Peters POV
I got home from school and ran down to the lab, "hey tony." I said, grabbing the geniuses attention.  "Hey kid," "where's Pepper?" "Uh I think she's still getting Natasha ready." "For what?" "Nats the only one who won't be majorly recognized, so we're sending her out to interview babysitters." The man said. "But Mr. Stark I-" "you cant babysit, you're to busy, and I thought my name was tony." He said with a small laugh. "Busy? I'm not-" I was cut of by tony doing the Spider-Man hand signal, "-never mind."

I went upstairs to Natashas bedroom, she was wearing Steve's hoodie and some leggings, while pepper was handing her some papers. "Okay so I just ask her these questions, and if the answer is yes to all of them, I give her the 'don't say shit' form?" "The confinement form, Natasha." Pepper corrected.

I left school and headed to the cabana. I looked around for a moment before I found the redheaded girl.  I sat down at the table and shook her hand, "Hi I'm MJ," I said with a smile, "hi mj, I'm Natasha, I'm the kids aunt."

Natasha asked me a list of questions, I answered 'yes' to all of them, "Okay, so I need you to read and sign this sheet, Morgan's parents are kind've famous, so we need to make sure you won't repeat anything you may hear." "Famous?" I repeated while looking over the form. "Yeah... you could say that." I quickly signed and handed her the paper back. "Okay, this is the address, and if we need you, we will call you." The woman said with a smile, "wait, if you don't mind me asking who are Morgan's parents?" "Tony and Pepper Stark." She said with a whispered laugh. "oH"

about two weeks later...

"Hi, is this MJ?" "Yes" "this is Mrs. Stark we need you tonight, from 8-10. Is that alright?" "Uh- yes ma'am." "Thank you sweetie, bye."

Around 7:30, I left my apartment and took a subway to a place that was near the address. I eventually found it, thank god it did because just turned 8:00. It was a large home, that was modern. 'Makes since.' I thought as I walked up to the door.

The door opened, revealing Pepper Potts. She let me in, as I tried to not fan girl. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to Morgan. I nodded as she led me to Morgan's room. "Okay Morgan, this is MJ, she's going to be hanging out with you tonight." The little girl smile and waved, I kneeled down, "hi Morgan!" Said in an excited voice. "Hello!" She said, matching my enthusiasm.

Mrs. Stark led me out of the room, and back to the common room. "How old are you again?" "Oh I'm 17." Pepper nodded, "my son Peter, you may know him he's the same age as you, might slip in and out of here, he's has patro- practice." I nodded. "Your welcome to anything in the fridge. Morgan's bedtime is 9, but if she doesn't want to sleep without us here just wait the extra hour." "Yes ma'am."

Mr. Stark walked downstairs and met pepper with a small kiss. 'Goals' I thought, to myself. "Okay, we're meeting Steve and Nat there right?" Pepper nodded in response. She turned back to me, "what was the price we agreed on?" "15 an hour," I said with a small smile, the couple nodded, and headed out the door.

After the two left, I went to Morgan's room. "Hey MJ!" "Sup dude," I said with a small smile, while kneeling to her level. "have you eaten dinner yet?" The small girl nodded.

I walked with her to the living room, and she turned on the TV. We sat together on the couch for I bit, I checked the time, 8:45. "Hey Morgan, do you want to start getting ready for bed?" She nodded, and led me to her room.

She dressed in her pajamas, and brushed her teeth. Morgan got a quick snack from the kitchen and laid down in her bed. "Good night!" She said with a smile, "good night Morgan." I said softly, "do you want the door open or closed?" "Umm open please." "Okay. Night."

I went back to the living room and scrolled through Instagram, thinking about how I just got paid $45 dollars to sit with a kid and watch Disney Jr.

I was waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Stark to get home, or for Morgan to get up, when I heard the door unlock. Since the entryway and living-room were in the same general area, I turned my head, looking to see if the parents had gotten home yet. A teenage boy quietly slipped in, and turned to see me- "oh my god, what are you doing here Michelle?" He said in a frightened voice, but he covered it with a laugh. "Um- babysitting. What are you doing here peter?" "Uh- just here for my- uh- internship, yeah the internship I talk about sometimes..." I squinted and cocked my head, "okay- wait pepper said her sons name was peter- oh my god!" "Wait- no- I- uh- shit." "You're their son?" I whisper yelled trying not to wake up Morgan, Peter sighed and nodded, "so your whole 'I'm an orphan who lives with my aunt' thing is completely made up?" He laughed a little, "no, that's completely real, Tony just adopted me, we got kind've close after- never mind..."

As we were talking, I noticed Peter was a little sweaty, making his short sleeved shirt stick to his, apparently extremely muscular, body. His brown damp curls fell over his face, and the giant brown puppy dog eyes he held, were not making it any easier to not blush, as his calm voice spoke.

We probably were talking to loud, because Morgan eventually came out of her bedroom, "MJ, who else is here- big brother!" She rain up to peter and hugged him, "hey Morgan," he said, while hugging back. That made me notice a decently large cut, going along his arm.

After the two finished talking, I realized that Mr. and Mrs. Stark would be home soon, and she needed to be in bed. So I took her back to her room and put her to back sleep with ease, when I turned back around I saw Peter standing in the doorway. "Y'know I didn't know you were so good with kids." He said, as we walked back to the living area, "I didn't either," I said with a small laugh, while running a hand through my curls.

We talked for a bit longer. Until he realized he needed to go, I nodded saying a quick "bye," as he left the large home, with a small red and blue bag.

Soon the couple came home, and they thanked me for my time, payed me, and I left. 'Wow,'I thought 'babysitting is kinda fun.'

As I walked home I saw a masked figure swing by, 'Spider-Man' I thought, 'bet he's hot.'

Sorry this took so long, I've been playing with this idea for a while, and I think I've finally got it right 😂.

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