"I really need a job." part four

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*this is a series*
part four of four

I'm going to see Dr. Dolittle today! Sorry I've been so inactive this week, I've had 3 projects to do this week.

mjs POV
"wait.." I watched as Peters face got pinker.
"a-are you spiderman?" "wHAT noooooo..."
My jaw dropped, as he struggled to back up his answer. Then I put the pieces together, he was adopted by Tony Stark, He had a major glow up, and he just randomly leaves and Spider-Man appears. "Oh. My. God."

"So you were bit by a spider?" Peter nodded, we were sitting on the Starks couch together, and he was explaining how he became happened Spider-Man. "Yeah," he said through a sigh. "Why haven't you told the school or... anyone?" "There's some really bad news going around, about me... and I could be putting my family in danger." "I don't think the Starks will be affected" he smiled at that, "no I mean my aunt, and Ned, and decathlon friends. I couldn't do that to yo- them..." He put his head in his hand. I nodded, it makes sense, I wouldn't want to do that either.

Soon, he showed me the guest room, "I know, it's way to big to be a guest room." He said, watching me stare in amazement. I nodded at Peters words is a walked in the room. "Oh, our bags are still in the car, be right back." He left the room before I could stop him. I opened curtains and realized this room had a view. A large river hidden behind trees, to be exact.
"damn." I opened all of the curtains of the room.

Peter reappeared at the door of the room. "Okay so do you know where everything thing is?" "Uh yeah I think so..." "okay well I'll be in the library if you need me." "Wait- library?" He nodded "yeah you can com with if you want." I nodded, walking over to him.

"Oh I freaked out when I saw this, so you'll get so excited." Peter laughed. "I don't get excit- holy shit." "What did I say." He said, while mimicking my shocked face.

The two of us walked through the sections, "Peter?" "Mhm" he replied, while running his finger across the spine of books. " are you looking for something specific?" He looked up at me, with a smile, "no... I've read all of these."
"Wait everything in this section or..." "every book in here..."

We walked back to the guest room, while peter helped me carry a few stacks of books. He set the stacks on my nightstand, "good night michelle." He said with a smile. "Good night Spider-Man." peter let out a quiet laugh, as he closed my door.

3rd person POV
After dropping Morgan off the next morning, Peter and MJ went their separate ways. She saw Betty at her locker, and Mj rushed up to her. "Hey m," "hey Betty," "how was night one, with the babysitting job?" "O-oh it was cool." "Was peter weird?" "Nope." Betty noticed the blush spreading across her friends face. "Ah, someone's got a crush." "W-what no." "Yeah sure."

After decathlon, Peter met up with Michelle, and they left. As they were walking to Peters car he let out some news, "we're not getting Morgan today, Happy said he wanted to get her, and take her out for cheeseburgers." "Wait who's Happy?" "It's hard to explain- Tony's friend? That he pays..." "okay..." She replied with a laugh.

Morgan eventually got dropped off at the house around six. "What did uncle happy do with you today?" "we got cheeseburgers, then we watched a movie, then we had a dance party!" Mj chuckled at the small girls response. "Ah- Peter we should've had a dance party." "dang we missed out."

Morgan, even though she was 7, seemed to catch on to the subtle flirting between the teens, before they did. She wanted to make this happen (as we all do).
"I have homework." Morgan announced, "see you in a bit." The girl waved, and scurried off.

Peter and MJ eventually decided to watch a movie in the living room. And after they were halfway though, the two fell asleep, her head on his shoulder.

"goodnight spider-man"

Edit: I watched dolittle, LOVE IT.

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