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^^just found out people ship loki and bucky, I can't tell if I hate it or I love it 😂

Omg the ship name is lucky💫
Anyway here is the long awaited shuri content! Not romantic in anyway, meme lords.
Requested by @Meowfoy7

Peters POV
I hopped in the back seat of happy's car, while literally shaking in excitement. Today was the day Tony, Natasha, Steve, and I were finally going to Wakanda. The king had been in the 'civil war' and had not had a chance to meet the captain when he's not trying to kill him. I was excited to get to meet the princess in person. Mr. Stark and T'challa (did I spell that right?) had been in communication, and set the two of us up to talk to each other, and get some 'teen culture'. We'd actually become pretty close internet friends.

"Kid, you ready?" I nodded at Mr. Stark as I grabbed my bags. The four of us stepped into the private plane, and took off. "Damn, i'll never get used to this view." Natasha says, looking up from her book and out the window.

I'd apparently dozed off during the plane ride, because when I woke up we'd arrived. "Come on," Tony said. I nodded "one second," I walked to the bathroom, and changed into my suit. I stepped back out, "why?" Natasha said rolling her eyes, I shrugged in response. "In case I have to web up any motherfuckers." "LANGUAGE," "ENGLISH!" I yelled, but the word had another voice, I turned my head , "SHURI!" "PETER!"

Tony's POV
For the next few days Steve, Natasha, T'challa and I were stuck hear different memes like:

"We all did you either kill yourself or get killed. Whatcha gonna do?"

I'm serious tho, someone tell me if you think lucky is cute... pls tell me I'm not the only one lmao

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