"We were wrong... very wrong..."

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Just a dumb one, to help with the emotional reck that was the last part. REALLY SHORT sry...

Peter POV
I was in the living room of the tower, not really paying attention to what was on the TV. Soon though I heard Tony's name, "Tony Stark accused of cheating, after this picture surfaced: (picture of Tony and May hugging)
"Sorry Pepper, but it looks like you've been replaced, now it's time to sign out, this is The Daily Bugle."
Oh. My. God. "D- Mr. Stark!" Silence for a moment before he called back, "Yeah kid," he then walked in. "You got some 'splaining to do," I laughed.

"They think I'm cheating on Pepper with your aunt?!" I chuckled, as a thought popped into my mind, "do you and Pepper have any free time tomorrow?"
1 day later...
@tonystark: i can't believe they think I'm cheating on @PepperPotts with @MayParker it's always been you @rhodes 🥵🤩

- replying to @tonystark: @PepperPotts: @MayParker good thing I got to you first. ❤️🤫💫

Breaking news: "We were wrong... very wrong..."

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