"what are you gonna do, little guy?"

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I deleted the tattoo series, it wasn't really going anywhere, I should've made it about something more serious. Sorry if you liked it :(

Peters POV

I woke up early, on a quiet Friday morning. Well it was quiet, until my second alarm started blaring. I pressed the off button, and started to get ready.

I left Mays apartment in a white long sleeve shirt, with ripped black jeans, and my beat up converse. When I was about three blocks from school I heard a loud scream. The Spider-Man suit would take way to long to put on, so I just went as my self. I ran a towards the sound and found a woman getting mugged. "Get off her," I called, the man looked up at me and chuckled, "what are you gonna do, little guy?"

I got the man off of her, with ease. The woman ran off. The man who was attacking her was left unconscious. I only had a small stab wound.

I went to school with the wound, I figured my enhanced healing would take care of the issue. When I walked through the doors of the school I seemed to be catching more people's eye.  I realized my sweat was causing my shirt to stick to me, revealing the spider given muscles.

When I got to class, I asked Mr. Harrington if I could go to the nurse, he agreed, noticing the blood and sweat all over my white shirt.

The nurse gave me a tank top, and bandage my wound, however she did not ask what it was from.

The school called May, who said she was sending my dad to come get me. The school asked for a description, and she apparently replied, "the guy that looks like Tony Stark." And hung up. May said it would be a while so I eventually had to get lunch.

When I got there, people would come up to my table with ned and MJ. Either asking me where I was "hiding all that muscle," or if I would go out with them sometime. I'd obviously respond with, "I'm taken," or "under those puffy jackets."

A few minutes later Mr. Stark showed up in the cafeteria. I heard people all start whispering, "oh my god it's Tony Stark!" "Is that who I think it is?" "IRON MAN!" He nodded towards me and I gave a thumbs up back, "bye Michelle, bye ned." "Bye loser," "bye pete!"

I stepped into Mr. Starks car, and the pulled out a rolled up news paper. Which he used to smack me on the head with, "Peter how many times do I have to tell you? no, *smack* getting *smack* stabbed *smack*"

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