"who i-is it?"

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A few things:
IW and Endgame happened but everyone is still alive other than vision.
I read somewhere that Loki is 19 in human years, so he is 19 in this.
Wanda is 18.
Peter is 16.
The three are close. :)

Peters POV
I was sitting in my room, thinking about what I was going to do today. I would go patrolling but Mr. Stark won't let me for a couple days, he wants to wait for my new stab wound to clear up. So I just sat in my room, throwing a rubber ball at my wall.

A little bit later my phone vibrated, and when I looked it was loki texting me.
Let's do something.
Down, what are we doing?
Loki and I met in the lobby of the tower, "so where did you want to go?" I asked. Loki shrugged before replying with, "how about we go to the cabana?" I nodded and we left.

We came back to the tower from lunch, and Loki and I started towards the living room. Before the elevator doors opened, Friday started speaking, "Peter, Mrs. Maximoff seems to be in emotional destress." I looked over to Loki, and he nodded. "Fri, take us to whatever floor Wandas on." "Okay Peter, she's in her room."

We quietly made our way to Wandas room. My sensitive hearing, heard her sobbing. "she's crying," I whispered, Loki knocked on Wandas door, "who i-is it?" "peter and loki," I heard a quiet sigh of relief, before red light started surrounding the door handle.

3rd person POV
The two standing, eventually made it through the door, and sat down next to a crying Wanda, in the corner of her bedroom. "Wanda..." Loki started, "what happened?" "e-everything
is k-kinda hi-hitting me at once... with vision a-and Pietro-o, I just feel so lost." At this point Wandas head was on Loki's shoulder, and her legs were on Peters lap.

The boys comforted the girl until she was asleep, and unknowingly until they were asleep.

They awoke with a new picture, framed in all of their rooms, of the three sleeping.

Everyone say:

"tHaNkS pEpPeR!"

I have an idea for a part two would anyone want that?

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