Friday tell d- Mr.Stark to hush!

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I know people usually skip "requests" chapters, so before I start this chapter,I wanted to restate something I talked about; I have a oneshot 2-5 part series I've been thinking doing. So if that's something you'd be interested or want to know more info about let me know
:). (it would be in this book) (this is not part one of it lol, I might make a 'trailer part')

Peters POV
I was walking home, the tower, from school. When I got there I went down to the lab and Mr. Stark wasn't there. So I walked up stairs, to find Loki reading on the couch, I knew he was technically a bad guy, but I hung out with wade and bucky on a daily basis, people change. "Hi Mr. Loki, I'm Peter, Spiderman." He looked confused, "you know who I am right?" "Yeah..." "a-and you're not afraid?" He asked still confused "No..." I answered "why? "Why would I be, anyway whatcha reading?" "Uh, a book I stole from Steven about the war he participated in or something." I looked at the book and realized it was actually his journal. "You do know that's his personal journal he wrote from the 40s... right?" I said. Loki nodded in response, "well if you ever get in a mood to not read stolen diary's I'd recommend the Harry Potter series, it's about... wizards." I said, a smile present on my face. "I'll be sure to check it out young one-" Friday finished Loki's sentence early when she cut in, "Peter, Boss wants you down in the lab now that he's back from his meeting, he also said to be careful around Thor's brother," I just rolled my eyes, "Friday tell d- Mr.Stark to hush!" "Yes Sir." I looked up to the sorcerer himself, "sorry about that, but I have to go, nice talking to you loki." I smiled and left the room.
Loki's POV
H-he liked talking to loki? :))))

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