"what the, woah."

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I'm kinda scared about this whole corona virus thing ... anyway...

I got this idea from tiktok... don't judge me 😑

Michelle and Peter are both 17

the tower is set up like how we all thought in 2013, aka they all have their own floor, including Peter, sooooo yeah

3rd person POV
Peter Parker was and ordinary kid with an extraordinary gift. He was also blessed with close friends, MJ and Ned, and a second family. Though that doesn't mean his Superfamily didn't bully him sometimes...

"So Peter when's the wedding?" "Just friends clint."

"Asked out the girl yet?" "No Bucky."

"How's the honeymo-" "don't even start tony."

Though the team was kidding, and Peter never really took the jokes to heart, it did help move Michelle and Peter from close friends to closer friends. They weren't even aware it was happening.

Peter was in the lab with Tony one day, "Mr. Stark, can you pass me the wrench?" "Yep-" but the older man was cut off by Peters phone ringing. Peter pulled the device out of his back pocket, the contact name Michelle popped up, he answered. "Hey em (a new nickname), what's up?" "My mom is out of the house again and I'm super bored, can I come over to the tower?" "Yeah that's fine, text me when you get here." "Okay, see you then."

15 minutes later...
Michelle- I'm here
Peter- don't forget your ID
Michelle- *insert finger guns*
Peter- I'm on my floor of the tower, just ask Friday to let you up
Michelle- got it :))

The elevator doors opened, while the girl stepped out, "hey peter" "hey mj", she walked into the kitchen area, and stole an apple. Then she falls face first on the couch. I chuckled, "having a rough day?" "don't laugh at my pain peter," michelle said in a sarcastic voice. She sat up and pulled the strings of her hoodie as far as they would go, causing her hair pull in and cover her face. "You need a therapist." "Then what would I have you for?" I rolled my eyes at her.

For most of the day Michelle just sat on my couch, and devoured my food, while watching Star Wars with me, and occasionally sticking her phone in my face.

Until she sprung up off the couch, which caught my attention. she had not moved all day, meaning this had to be important. "Lets go be human, and do something." "Really? you decide to do something at, 6:35 PM, when we've done nothing all day." "Yep." "Okay then." And I jumped off the couch and texted Pepper. I would of told tony I was leaving but he'd ask where and with who.. so...

"Can I drive?" "Can you drive... my car?" She nodded her head in response. I rolled my eyes, and threw here the keys. "Hell yeah!"

We drove to the street fair, walked around for a bit, but soon went to the park. It was pretty empty as it was 7:30, the two of us just walked around.

"Hey Peter," "yeah em?" "look at my phone camera." I looked down at her phone, which was recording. Odd. I turned back to her, while looking extremely confused. When MJ put one hand on my face, and kissed me.

"what the, woah."

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