"Shh, hey. Hey. I'm sorry I scared you peter..."

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probably doesn't need to be said but spoilers for endgame... kind of. morgan doesn't exist in this.

||"Mr. Stark. Hey, Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey... we won. Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, you did it, sir, you did it. I'm sorry, Tony."

"Friday how's it looking?" Pepper asked, "Injures in the arm, and chest." "wait he's-" the woman paused, "alive." Peter finished.||

a few days later...
Peter rushed out of the convenience store, and sprinted back home, to the compound, flowers in hand.

He ran up stairs finding Happy waiting outside of Tony's med-bay room door. "Hey kid," "hey happy, how is Mr. Stark?" "He's okay, wants to see you." A small smile appeared on the mans face, "who's all in there?" Peter asked, "no one at the moment," happy paused, "go" he finished pointing to the door. Peter smiled and put his hand on the wood doors knob, took a deep breath and turned. "Hi, Mr. Stark," Peter said with a small wave," the older man sat up on the hospital like bed, "hey pete,"

A few tears fell from Peters face as he talked to Tony. Not all from sadness but not all of joy either. "You really scared us Tony..." "I scared myself, I thought I was going to die with out seeing you grow up."

Tony scooted over on his hospital bed, and patted the empty space, calling peter to sit. Peter did so, and didn't hesitate to hug the man. Tony hugged back, allowing Peter to cry into his shoulder. "Shh, hey. Hey. I'm sorry I scared you peter..."

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