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Taehyung Ssi

It feels like every bad thing Taehyung has ever done comes crashing down on him this exact moment, anxiety threatening to silently drown him as he stares at the door, engraved with the name Jeon Jeongguk, M.D., Ph.D. in bold, gold letters.

His hands are shaking, nerves on fire, and he cant hear anything that Hoseok is saying to him. He just nods meekly, hoping his face doesnt look too pale.

"Dr. Jeon will see you now " the receptionist calls out, and Hoseok stands. Taehyung looks up at him nervously.

" Well, come on" Hoseok prompts, and Taehyung gulps, getting up with wobbling feet, and makes his way to the door. The receptionist holds it open for them, smiling pleasantly as they pass, and Taehyung keeps his eyes down until he hears the door close behind them.

You're Kim fucking Taehyung, he reminds himself.

You have hotels in almost every country in Asia. You're one of the richest men in the world. People kiss the ground you walk on. You can handle one person.

You're in a million dollar suit. You're an icon. Act like one.

So he straightens his back, slipping his hands into his pockets, and looks up, fixing a stoic expression on his face, and readies himself to face what is sure to be disaster head on.

Nothing prepares him for what comes next.

"Hoseok ssi, Im glad you could come" a deep voice calls out, and Taehyung follows the sound to the man sitting behind a massive oak desk.

"Im so glad you had the time" Hoseok gushes, stepping closer to the desk. The man stands up, smiling pleasantly, shaking Hoseoks hand. He looks expectantly at Taehyung, who stands frozen in his spot.

"Kim Taehyung ssi..." the man says, and it snaps Taehyung out of his daze. Wrong Jeon Jeongguk, Taehyung thinks, relieved, because this man, standing before him, tall and broad and incredibly handsome, is not his Jeon Jeongguk.

No way.

Taehyung clears his throat and steps forward to shake the man's hand. He smiles, relaxing once the realization dawns on him.

"It's a pleasure, Jeon ssi. I want to personally extend my thanks for quite literally saving my life," Taehyung says, laying on as much of his winning charisma as he possibly can, smiling his trademark smile, because this Jeon Jeongguk really is quite handsome, all sharp jawline, smouldering eyes, immaculate form, and Taehyung would be a fool not to see a potential conquest. His previous anxiety has melted away, and he feels more in control of himself now.

"I was just doing my job," the man says simply, unphased by Taehyung's charms, and focuses back on Hoseok. "Please do take a seat." It takes everything Taehyung has to not pout in disappointment.

Hoseok jumps straight to business, delving into the details of the project and the nature of the leading cardiac consultant at the heart center.

Taehyung takes the time to fully appraise this Jeon Jeongguk, noting the perfectly coifed black hair, broad shoulders, and full, pliant lips, and god, Taehyung's never seen someone look so sexy in a doctor's coat.

His eyes wander down to the man's neck, appraising the smooth, tanned skin, before drifting to the base of his left earlobe, as if by instinct, where he makes out faint scars. Color drains from his face.

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