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"Here you go Taehyung ssi," the floor manager smiles hospitably as he hands Taehyung his mail.

"Sorry for the wait."

"Oh that's not a problem," Taehyung returns the smile. "I like the haircut, by the way."

"Oh!" The man's hand flies up to pat at his head. "T-thank you Taehyung ssi."

Taehyung has been here for only about two weeks and he has already gotten to know most of the staff. Namjoon had instilled a deep respect in him for the help, and now it came naturally.

"It looks good! Very slimming." Taehyung's smile widens and he bows his head slightly before turning on his heels to head back to the elevator.

"Good morning Jeongguk ssi!" The floor manager calls just then and Taehyung's eyes snap to the figure of a man in running shorts and a sweatshirt as they walk through the door.

Fuck. He repeats a steady mantra of the word in his head as Jeongguk, sweaty and panting from what is obviously a jog, nods his head at the floor manager, before his eyes find Taehyung's.

Fuck fuck fuck. Jeongguk's eyes narrow and for some odd reason Taehyung thinks it compliments him, glowing from exercise and sweat, looking absurdly masculine almost... carnal?

Jeongguk's eyes drift away from him as his face hardens with disinterest and walks to the elevator.

Taehyung's feet lead him in the same direction, eyes drifting down to Jeongguk's ass, outlined perfectly in the thin gym shorts. He swallows, heat flaming across his face.

Taehyung hesitantly steps into the elevator, backing himself into the opposite corner of where Jeongguk is standing. The younger man wordlessly presses the button to their floor, and the doors slide closed.

Taehyung's phone buzzes in his pocket with a text and he scrambles to dig it out, grateful for any distraction. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Jeongguk run a hand through his damp hair, tilting his head back as he breathes and sweet mother of-- .

You could cut something with that jawline.

Jeongguk side-eyes Taehyung, realizing that the older man has been staring at him this whole time, and Taehyung swears he sees the younger's lips twitch up.

And then, to Taehyung's absolute horror, Jeongguk brings a hand to the zipper of his jacket and tugs it down. Taehyung almost chokes when he realizes that Jeongguk isn't wearing a goddamn shirt and oh my god are those tattoos?

His eyes run over the smooth muscle of Jeongguk's chest and abdomen taunt from his jog, covered in swirling colorful ink patterns and sweat. It's almost dizzying, except it's so goddamned hot , and his eyes wander lower, down to Jeongguk's pronounced V lines. He sees words inked onto the arch of the man's pelvis, and Taehyung is sweating , but he's not the one who went on an early morning jog.

Who has tattoos on their V lines? who in God's name would think that would be a good idea?

Taehyung exhales sharply and looks up at the ceiling of the cursed elevator, wondering why this is happening to him right now. He's a strong man but he's not that strong.

Taehyung can't even bring himself to pretend he's not completely ogling the man, but he's so completely taken aback that his brain feels like it's short circuited. Jeongguk is the last person on earth Taehyung would expect to have tattoos,especially not this many. The man was always stoic and straight-laced and in the past, sweet and naive. The thought that Jeongguk had a hidden wild side sends a wave of heat through Taehyung's body.

I know absolutely nothing about this man , he realizes with a start.

"Taehyung ssi," God why is his voice so goddamn low? Like some fucking sex god whose crawled out of the pits of hell just to kill me.

"Yeah?" Taehyung croaks, mouth dry.

"Do you mind..." Jeongguk's gaze drops down to his own exposed chest. Taehyung shakes his head too quickly.

"No!" Taehyung clears his throat, "I mean, no it's... fine."

Jeongguk just nods, before bringing his arms up sliding the jacket completely off and Jesus fucking Christ .

The muscles of his wide shoulders and arms bunch as he pulls the material off and ties it around his waist, exposing his smooth golden back, and fuck there's another tattoo.

This one is a red and black dragon, it's body swirled in a zig zag pattern across the expanse of Jeongguk's back, and Taehyung almost drops his mail.

His entire body is frozen, and he's unable to move his gaze away because his brain feels like it's been completely fried. His heart is threatening to burst out of his chest and he wonders whether all the heart surgery and medication was worth it since he's probably going to die in this exact moment. It takes all of his remaining willpower to keep himself from just sinking to the ground.

Taehyung is simultaneously glad and annoyed when the elevator slides open on their floor.

Jeongguk gives him a small nod before stepping out. Taehyung stares as the younger man walks down the (unfortunately) well lit halls, stretching his arms over his head, back and forth, making the muscles of his back contract and smooth over.

Taehyung watches him punch the code for his door and step inside. He doesn't find the will to move until the elevator doors start to close and he sprints out just in time.


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