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They drive back to The Tower in silence, both caught up in their own thoughts. Visiting lost loved ones could be fulfilling and soothing even, but it took its toll, on the body and the mind. It can make someone feel like theyve left part of themselves behind. That was the way with the dead, it seemed. They occupy others minds and hearts, long after they were gone. Jeongguk parks in the structure and they head to the elevators quickly to escape the biting cold. It had turned dark so quickly and Taehyung sticks close to Jeongguk, craving his warmth as they slip back into the land of the living.

They stand shoulder to shoulder as the elevator goes up. For the first time, theyre not standing on opposite ends of the space, trying to keep away from each other. Now, the backs of their knuckles
brush and Taehyung bites his lip to keep from smiling about it.

When the elevator doors slide open on their floor, they step out together, walking in companionable silence. Taehyung feels a little jittery as Jeongguk punches the code into his lock.

It would be the first time hed properly see Jeongguks home, the first time hed be invited in, instead of intruding in Jeongguks space.

"You can hang your coat there," Jeongguk says, pointing to the closet right by the front door. He sets his bag down on the table beside it and places. his keys into a bowl. Taehyung nods, unwinding his scarf and watching Jeongguk move around his space.

Jeongguks house is much like Jeongguks car-- spotless and sleek, like its right out of a modern home magazine. But thats what throws Taehyung off. Its too perfect, Taehyung thinks as he hangs up his coat and scarf before trailing after Jeongguk.

The living room shows hardly any signs of someone living here. And neither does the dining room, save for the framed MD-PhD diploma hanging on one of the walls. Nothing looks like its been used and Taehyung figures Jeongguk wouldnt be one for having company.

The kitchen, however, is a different story. Though its spotless and organized and sleek, Taehyung can tell Jeongguk spends a lot of time here.

"What do you want me to do?" Taehyung asks. Jeongguk looks up from rolling up one of the sleeves of his dress shirt and smiles.

"You can sit over there in the corner." Jeongguk nods his head in the direction of the breakfast bar in front of him, a steep marble countertop with matching stools. "Away from the kitchen."

Taehyung pouts, but scuttles over anyways, because Jeongguk is probably right. He hops onto one of the stools and turns it so he can watch Jeongguk. Without the white coat or the winter coat Taehyung can truly appreciate Jeongguks frame. Hes in a deep blue dress shirt and a black vest and tie, and he looks so painfully good in it Taehyung wonders if they cant just skip dinner and get to the sexy parts. The vest hugs Jeongguks wide shoulders and the broad expanse of his chest.

And with the sleeves rolled up, Taehyung can see the veins of his forearms and the outline of bulging biceps.

"Whats on the menu, chef?" Taehyung asks teasingly, unable to resist spinning himself around in his chair. Jeongguk smiles at him, amused.

"We can have whatever you want."

Taehyung hums in thought. "Pasta? LIke the healthy kind with actual vegetables. To appease my conscious for having take out too many times this last week."

Jeongguk frowns as he slips a black apron over his head and ties it behind his back. Why does that make him look ten times hotter? Taehyung bemoans.

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