Epilogue - 4

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It takes just a moment to walk into the bedroom, and Jeongguk lays Taehyung down gently on the pillows. Taehyung is always the most sensitive towards the end, and judging by the glazed-over look in his eyes, Jeongguk knows he has to be extra careful now, with his movements and his words.

He leans in to kiss Taehyung, hand slipping down to slip under Taehyung's briefs, but Taehyung grabs his wrist.

"L-let me do it, Daddy," Taehyung says shakily. His breath is uneven, eyes heavy on Jeongguk.

"I wanna touch myself." Taehyung licks his lips. "A-and I want you to watch."

Jeongguk swallows thickly, lust pooling hot in his stomach at the words, and he nods. "Of course baby. Do you need me to get you anything?"

"I want the v-vibrator. And the ring."

Jeongguk feels like he might just go crazy, but he forces himself to cool it. He nods, kissing Taehyung's forehead. "Don't touch yourself until I get back, okay?" he murmurs against the skin, and Taehyung hums his assent.

Jeongguk slips out of bed and walks into the closet, opening a set of drawers in the back that have all of their toys inside. Jeongguk takes out the cock ring and the ribbed black vibrator that he
knows is Taehyung's favorite.

When he comes back into the room, he sees Taehyung splayed out against the sheets, shirt pushed up to his chest, and legs spread wide. His erection is perfectly visible in the tight fabric of the briefs, and there's a wet spot on the front that makes Jeongguk want to growl.

He goes to the nightstand and pulls out the lube and a towel that he knows they'll need later, and slips back into bed, lying on his side and propping his head up with his elbow.

"Here you go, kitten." Jeongguk holds up the bottle of lube, and Taehyung mutters something that sounds like a thank you Daddy , before grabbing it. He tugs at his underwear, pulling it off quickly with Jeongguk's help, and bends his knees, spreading his legs open.

Taehyung flicks open the cap and pours lube onto shaking fingers. He rubs them together, warming up the liquid, and sets aside the bottle, before bringing his hand down to his entrance.

Jeongguk clenches his fist as Taehyung slips the first finger inside and whimpers. The second one goes in with little resistance, and it occurs to Jeongguk that Taehyung shouldn't be that stretched out, unless he'd been touching himself lately, when Jeongguk wasn't there.

"D-daddy," Taehyung whimpers, dragging his eyes up to meet Jeongguk's. He makes a choked sound when he uses his other hand to palm himself.

"Does it feel good, baby?"

Taehyung nods, face twisting in pleasure as he finds his prostate. Jeongguk runs a hand along the inside of Taehyung's trembling thigh, pushing it back so Taehyung's legs are spread even wider. The third finger goes in a minute after, and Jeongguk watches, fascinated, as Taehyung's digits disappear into his puckered hole, and wishes desperately that his cock can fill it up soon.

Taehyung bites his lip as he pushes the fourth finger in, stomach quivering with tension. Jeongguk brings his hand up to tug Taehyung's lip away, making sure he doesn't hurt himself, because in this state, Taehyung can't tell the difference between pleasure and pain.

"You're doing so well, baby," Jeongguk murmurs into Taehyung's hair, stroking his thigh soothingly as Taehyung continues to fuck into himself with his fingers. When Taehyung feels thoroughly prepped, he slides his fingers out.

"I want the v-vibrator now, please," Taehyung hiccups, looking up at Jeongguk with pleading, fucked-out eyes.

"Of course, baby." Jeongguk reaches for the vibrator and slicks it up quickly with lube, before handing it to Taehyung. Jeongguk feels his stomach clench when Taehyung pushes it inside himself, gasping as he becomes accustomed to the thickness of it.

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