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Be the bigger person

"Be careful!" Taehyung yelps, scrambling over to help one of the men struggling with a box. He helps reposition it in the man's arms.

"I-I'm alright, Taehyung ssi, thank you," the man says, bowing profusely. Taehyung frowns in worry.

"Are you sure? I can help, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"No no! It's fine, Taehyung ssi. Thank you," the man says, and Taehyung nods.

"If you're sure..." he murmurs, watching as the man joins the other movers as they step into the lobby of The Tower, one of Taehyung's many properties. It had been named one of the best in high-end luxury living, and if Taehyung was going to move, he was going to do it in style.

Taehyung bows in thanks when the movers come back down.

"Is that the last of it, then?" Hoseok asks from beside him. Taehyung nods, smile wide.

"You seem awfully chipper this morning," the older man points out. Taehyung just shrugs.

"I have a good feeling about this, you know? Starting fresh." Taehyung was taking on a new mindset regarding Jeongguk-- kill him with kindness. It was the only way.

"If you fight fire with fire, you're only going to get more fire," Yoongi had said sagely. And, of course, the older man was right. And Taehyung hates conflict. And knowing that he's the cause of it.

I'm going to make things right.

"Okay then, I'm going to head back to the office. Are you going to be okay unpacking alone?"

"Of course!" Taehyung smiles. "I can do things on my own, you know."

Hoseok laughs, shaking his head. "Alright kiddo. I'll see you later."

"Bye!" Taehyung waves, before sighing in content with this attitude. He's turning to face the revolving glass doors of the entrance when something catches his eye.

Well... some one.

"Oh! Jeongguk ssi!" Taehyung calls out, waving.

The younger man is walking down the sidewalk in a dress shirt and tie and black framed glasses with his white doctor's coat and his bag slung over an arm. He looks engrossed texting someone, but stops mid-step when he hears someone calling. He glances up once to scan the area and looks down again, before doing a double take and shooting his head up to stare at Taehyung.

The older man waves again, less energetically this time, because he suddenly feels very childish under Jeongguk's cold glare. Last time, they had parted ways on less than pleasant terms.

"Did you need something?" Jeongguk asks, voice flat, as he approaches Taehyung.

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "No?" Jeongguk just narrows his eyes.

"Then are you stalking me?"

"What? No!" Taehyung huffs indignantly, irritation bubbling up in his chest, but he stamps it down.

Be the bigger person, Taehyung.

"Then why are you standing outside my apartment building?"

Taehyung stares blankly at Jeongguk until Oh. Oh.

"Y-you... live here?" Taehyung asks, pointing to the towering building.

Jeongguk looks at Taehyung like he'd just said the stupidest thing.



Jeongguk rolls his eyes when Taehyung remains silent, and adjusts his bag in his grip. "If you're quite done wasting my time, I would like to get home now, Taehyung ssi."

And he steps past Taehyung, nodding to the doorman as he walks through the revolving door.

It takes Taehyung a second to process what just transpired before he follows after Jeongguk.

"W-wait!" Taehyung calls as he steps into the lobby. Jeongguk stops in his tracks and turns.

"Taehyung ssi, if your intention was to become a nuisance, you've accomplished it. I would suggest you go home now." Jeongguk's voice is low and dangerous. The lobby is bustling with activity as the building tenants go about their nightly activities. A bellhop is helping a woman carry her shopping bags and the bell at the front desk seems to ding every few minutes.

If anyone were to look, they would notice two well dressed men having a private conversation underneath the massive glass chandelier. Business partners, perhaps.

"But... I live here too," Taehyung says slowly, and the fact doesn't really hit him until that moment, with Jeongguk's irritated glare on him.

"Come to torment me in my personal life too? Fantastic, Taehyung ssi." Jeongguk snaps, before turning again and heading for the elevator.

Taehyung gulps and trails after him, suddenly very

The doors to the elevator slide open, and Jeongguk steps inside, with Taehyung right behind him.

Jeongguk gives Taehyung a dark look as the doors slide closed.

God, of course he had to pick the exact building where Jeongguk lived. He doesn't know whether this is a blessing or a curse, because they just keep running into each other in the strangest of places, and Taehyung wonders if there really is such a thing as fate.

"What floor?"

"Huh?" Taehyung looks at Jeongguk blankly.

Jeongguk gives Taehyung a dirty look as his hand hovers above the buttons on the wall. "I asked what floor."

Taehyung gulps. "Twenty," Jeongguk's fingers are hesitant for a moment, shaking, before he presses the button and it glows a bright yellow.

"A-aren't you going to press your floor?" Taehyung asks, noting Jeongguk's oddly pained expression.

"That's... my floor too."

Taehyung knows the elevators are supposed to be ventilated, but suddenly the air feels hot. His fingers grip at the railing as he watches the numbers on the display change, wishing everything could go faster as his mind buzzes with the implications of this new piece of information.

The elevator dings, and Taehyung jolts. Jeongguk gives him a dead look before walking out right when the doors slide open. It takes Taehyung a few moments to release his death grip on the handrail and stepping out into the hall.

There are only two penthouse suites at The Tower. And Taehyung had just moved into the one right across from Jeongguk's.


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