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I'm happy too

Taehyung loves being able to stare at Jeongguk like this. Not having to hide his fascination. Just drink in every minute detail of Jeongguk, the sparkle of his eyes, the shine of his hair as it flops messily over his forehead.

And Jeongguk stares right back.

After showering, they had climbed back into the big, soft bed, and curled up with each other.

They're nose to nose, silent, basking in each other's presence. Taehyung's never felt like this before-- so calm and content. His entire life had been a flurry of acting out and not taking anything seriously, but here, with Jeongguk, the world is frozen for a few precious hours, and he feels like there's something worth living for.

"What do we do now?" Jeongguk murmurs, bringing his fingers up to brush at Taehyung's bottom lip.

Taehyung chuckles, kissing the younger's fingertips. "That's an excellent question."

"We're graduating in a week. And then I'm leaving for California a few days after." Taehyung sighs at Jeongguk's words. This isn't something they'd really talked about. Taehyung was going to attend Seoul University pursuing business, while Jeongguk had been given a full scholarship as
a biology major at Stanford.

In the U.S.

Away from Taehyung.

"I think a lot of Skyping will be happening," Taehyung says finally. "And during breaks I can come visit you."

"Isn't that going to be expensive?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes so hard he feels they might end up at the back of his head. "Really, Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk scoffs. "Well I'm sorry I'm not going around demanding that my boyfriend come visit me every chance he gets." But his lips are quirked up, and Taehyung leans forward to bump their noses together.

"What matters is that I love you and you love me," he puts simply, kissing Jeongguk's lips. A thought strikes him. "You know like, with that Gatsby guy, except not. I'll fight for you."

Jeongguk is silent a moment, before letting out a shaky exhale. "Me too," he whispers, suddenly looking upset and Taehyung frowns, wondering whether he said something wrong.

"Hey Gukkie, are you okay? Did I say something--"

"No, it's not that," Jeongguk shakes his head. "This is probably going to sound pathetic," He laughs, but there's no humor in it. "But... I don't know... I never felt... good enough for anyone before. My parents didn't want me, everyone at Bangtan looks at me weird, and I have Sojin. noona but she has all the other kids to take care of and--"

He closes his mouth, eyebrows furrowing like he's trying to regain control of himself. Taehyung brings a hand up to stroke at his cheek.

"Yeah, I just... I never felt like I was worth anything. But... when I'm with you..." Jeongguk's hand comes up to tangle with Taehyung's. "I feel... wanted. Worth something. Like someone genuinely cares about me, not my brain, not the paycheck they get for keeping me, just... me."

Jeongguk sniffles, face flushing as he looks down in embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't want to be weirdly emotional or anything." Taehyung opens his mouth to say something, anything, but. nothing comes out.

Because in his own way, it's the same. Jeongguk never cared about how much money Taehyung had, or his status. Taehyung never felt like he needed to be someone he wasn't in front of Jeongguk. It was his pure, honest self, the person he only ever let Namjoon and Yoongi see.

"I just... wanted you to know." Taehyung's grip on Jeongguk's hand tightens.

"Thank you," Taehyung murmurs. "For telling me that," It's the only thing he can think to say.

"And for letting me be myself when I'm with you."

Jeongguk's lips twitch up into a shy smile. It takes Taehyung's breath away. "You're so important
to me."

Jeongguk opens his mouth to respond, but it's cut off by the familiar beep of Taehyung's cell phone going off. Taehyung makes an exaggerated exasperated face, and Jeongguk laughs, clearing away the serious mood between the two boys.

"You should answer it," Jeongguk giggles. Taehyung pouts, wriggling their bodies closer together.

"But I'm cuddling with you," Taehyung whines, playfully nipping at Jeongguk's jaw.

"What if it's important?"

"You're more important." Jeongguk clicks his. tongue in annoyance, and after some insistence, Taehyung reaches over to the nightstand for his cell phone. He swipes it open to see a message from Namjoon.

How'd the date go kiddo?

Taehyung grins at the screen. "Who is that?" Jeongguk asks.

"It's Joonie hyung," Taehyung responds quickly.

Perfect! I have the best hyung in the world~~~~~

"Did he help you with this?" Jeongguk asks. Taehyung nods happily.

"He loves me a lot. And he knows I like you, so of course he'd help!"

Jeongguk blushes, looking down shyly. "Do you think... one day, I'd get to meet him?"

"Well duh, I have to introduce two of the most important people in my life."

It's always like this , Jeongguk thinks. Taehyung always says things like that, and Jeongguk isn't sure the older boy knows how much they affect him. How deeply the words resound in his mind,. the way he clings to them because they're all Jeongguk has.


Taehyung hums in response as he fiddles with his phone. "Can we take a couple selcas?" The older boy turns his head to fully face Jeongguk.


Jeongguk flushes. "Yeah?" Taehyung's lips curve up into a mischievous smirk. "I mean... We don't really ever take any pictures together and I... want to. remember... this."

There's a moment of silence while Taehyung just stares at Jeongguk, before he tugs the younger boy closer. "Let's do it!" he chirps excitedly, opening the camera app as Jeongguk presses his nose against Taehyung's cheek. He can feel Taehyung grinning as the flash goes off, and it sends a shiver of thrill down his spine.

"Look how cute we are!" Taehyung coos, and Jeongguk turns his head to look at the picture. He can't help the smile that forms on his face as he stares at the couple in the picture-- him and Taehyung, looking so perfect and content. It doesn't seem real, and yet, it is.

"I'm making this my wallpaper," the older boy decides, pressing a few buttons and sighing in satisfaction in seeing the two of them as his phone background. He puts the phone back on the nightstand, before enveloping Jeongguk in his arms, tucking the younger boy into him.

"I'm really happy, Jeongguk," Taehyung murmurs, breathing in the smell of Jeongguk's hair, the feeling of his soft skin against Taehyung's large hands, the thud of their hearts beating in sync. For once, everything seems so clear to Taehyung. The future isn't such a scary place when he knows he has Jeongguk by his side.

Jeongguk's lips are pressed against Taehyung's collarbone, and Taehyung can feel him smiling against his skin. His cool fingers are making patterns against Taehyung's body, and he shivers.

"I'm happy too."



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