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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jeongguk asks hesitantly, back pressed against the wall. He hesitantly looks down the corridor and snaps his head back quickly.

"He's coming!" he hisses, throat tightening in panic. Taehyung snorts, peaking his own head from the corner and watching as Jaebum, one of Jeongguk's regular tormentors, struts down the hallway.

"I don't know about this..." Jeongguk presses a hand to his stomach as it churns violently. "What if we get caught? I can't be on academic probation!"

"Chill, Jeongguk. We'll be fine. No one can connect this to you," Taehyung pats the younger's shoulder in an attempt to soothe him. "Besides, don't you want to get revenge on him?"

Jeongguk gives him an irritated look. "I never said that. Revenge is never the answer, Taehyung. When I told you about him this isn't what I wanted to happen."

Taehyung clicks his tongue and waves his hand dismissively. "I promise you'll enjoy this."

"How do we even know this will work?"

"I've done this plenty of times." Jeongguk shoots him an incredulous look.


"Of course, who do you think I am?" Taehyung grins wickedly. He'd done much much worse than this. This was a baby prank. Basic. He had far more elaborate schemes up his sleeves, but he didn't want to spook Jeongguk.

Taehyung peeks his head out again, and he sees Jaebum approach the door to the abandoned classroom. He knew from their mutual friend Mark that Jaebum went there during lunch to smoke.

So he had situated a bucket of soy sauce (that he stole from the kitchens) on top of the door, and when Jaebum opened the door-

There's a loud yelp. "Holy shit!" Jaebum screams, and Jeongguk, curious, takes a look. And he has to clamp his hand over his mouth because Jaebum looks ridiculous, with his bleach blonde hair soaked in the dark liquid, and he's wiping his eyes furiously as the salt gets in.

Taehyung can't help the snicker that escapes his lips and Jaebum freezes, turning towards the sound.

"Oi, you two!" Jaebum yells, and Taehyung's eyes widen.

"Whoops, time to run Gukkie!" Taehyung sings, tugging at Jeongguk's uniform and turning on his heels.

"Taehyung!" Jeongguk yelps, and Taehyung grabs Jeongguk's wrist as they sprint down the hallway, Jaebum right on their tail.

"I don't want to die today!" Jeongguk sobs, legs burning with the strain. He had never been athletic, never been good at sports, and now he wishes he put more effort into gym class because he really doesn't want to get pummelled.

They run out into the main courtyard, crowded with students, and dodge them as they run past.

Jeongguk ignores the strange, bewildered looks, as Taehyung expertly weaves through the massive crowds, and they somehow manage to lose Jaebum when they enter the library.

Jeongguk ignores his burning lungs as Taehyung pulls him towards the back and up the stairs, until they burst out onto the roof, panting.

"That was..." Taehyung lets out a huff of breath.

"Yeah..." Jeongguk agrees, and they both look at each other, faces flushed from physical exertion, before bursting out laughing.

"His face..." Jeongguk heaves, bending over to rest his hands on his knees as he tries desperately to catch his breath, but he's giggling too damn hard.

"I wonder... how long... he'll smell like... soy sauce..." Taehyung pants, dropping to the ground and laying flat on his back,arms and legs spread. Jeongguk's eyes are swimming with laughter, and he looks at Taehyung for a moment, before lying down next to him.

They don't speak for a few minutes, trying to regain control of their breathing, and bursting out into giggles.

"So, do you feel better?" Taehyung asks after a while. He turns his head to face Jeongguk, who shakes his head..

"It was funny, but it didn't really do much in the long run," Taehyung frowns, so Jeongguk scrambles to explain. "I feel like there's better ways to get back at someone besides playing pranks on them, you know?"

"I guess." Taehyung doesn't really understand, but he accepts Jeongguk's answer. The younger was a lot more reserved than he was. More worried about consequences. Taehyung never had anything to worry about. Maybe one day he would.

"But... it was still fun. Getting to... do it with you," Jeongguk says quietly. Taehyung turns his head more to focus on Jeongguk at that moment, and he wonders whether Jeongguk was always this cute.

He's smiling shyly, his little bunny teeth sticking out, and cheeks still flushed a pretty pink. The sun is shining on his shiny black hair, always a mess over his forehead, but for some reason... Taehyung thinks it looks perfect that way.

He reaches a hand out to ruffle the younger's silky hair, and Jeongguk's nose scrunches cutely. God, that's adorable.

"Same, Gukkie." And for once in Kim Taehyung's life, he smiles for someone besides himself.


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