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I'm Park Jimin

Jeongguk can't keep his eyes off of Seokjin and Taehyung. They're in the opposite corner of the room, so he can't even make out the words the two men mouth.

Dammit, Seokjin, Jeongguk curses. He should have known the older man would do something like this. Despite Jeongguk's best attempts at keeping his mind closed to the people around him, Seokjin had a remarkable intuition.

Maybe that's why they'd been friends for so long, and lovers for longer. Seokjin never did try to pry, because he didn't need to. Even after all these years, Jeongguk had only told him so much about his past- the rest the elder had connected himself.

But something about the determined glint in Seokjin's eye as he drags Taehyung off makes Jeongguk nervous. He doesn't need Kim Taehyung knowing more about him than absolutely necessary.

"Jeongguk-ah, I wanted to congratulate you on your research being published this year."

Jeongguk bows graciously to Dr. Lee, the man who he had done his fellowship under, the one who recommended he take on Taehyung's case.

"You've come a long way, and I couldn't be prouder," the aging, rotund man praises, and Jeongguk smiles more genuinely. He adores the older man, who he considered almost like a father figure.

Jeongguk's future had always been clear to him, but after high school, everything was distorted and living became painful. He had made bad choices, slept around, lost all hope in himself and the world around him. In his darkest times as a med student, when he had been dealing with depression and pent up frustrations, Dr. Lee had rekindled his passion for helping people, putting the picture back into perspective.

After the man retired, he had only seen it fitting to hand over his far-reaching cardiac practice to his star pupil. Jeongguk had taken on the responsibility dutifully, and had continued to grow the practice, delving into research and patenting new procedures.

"I think this will be a good project for you, Jeongguk-ah," Dr. Lee clasps a hand on Jeongguk's shoulder, face becoming serious. "I know how important this cause is to you. I'm sure you and Taehyung will make a great team."

Jeongguk's eye twitches at the name, and his gaze instinctively snaps to Taehyung, seemingly still deep in conversation with Seokjin. His mouth turns dry and his stomach churns at the sight of the man- dressed immaculately in a black suit and bow tie, deep brunette hair combed to perfection, jaw line sharp, eyes warm and brown, box shaped smile still just as charming as in high school, and his heart thuds against his chest as he remembers the time when Taehyung used to look at him like that. And the way he himself used to look back.


Jeongguk takes the stray thought and locks it away. He's disappointed in himself for being so damn affected when he knows Taehyung doesn't deserve a second of his thoughts. The few seconds Jeongguk had even spent looking at him are wasted, and he bemoans the loss.

Kim Taehyung is not worth it.

Jeongguk tears his eyes away with great effort and tries to put a genuine smile on his face. "Of course we will. I won't disappoint you."

Dr. Lee opens his mouth to respond, but he's cut off by a clamour by the entrance. "Oh, the children are here!" the man chuckles, and Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, turning around to see a group of small kids running into the massive ballroom.

They're accompanied by a small lady, who is pushing a small raven haired child in a wheelchair. They look so happy , Jeongguk thinks noting the nice dresses on the girls and the suits on the boys. They look well fed and healthy, even the boy in the wheelchair.

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