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Hearts for Hearts Gala

The air outside the Rise Hotel in Kangnam is chilly, and as the valets run back and forth between cars, their breath comes out in visible grey plumes in the air. Although the hotel is always busy, tonight the traffic is more escalated because of the Hearts for Hearts Gala and Fundraiser.

All the well-to-do Seoul socialites gather in the grand ballroom at the very heart of the towering building, dressed in all their finest silks and suits. Champagne is constantly flowing, and the ebb of gossip and laughter swirls in the air with the twenty piece orchestra tucked in a corner.

Taehyung hates these sorts of events, because his duty is to "kiss ass" as Yoongi would so tastefully put it (the elder stayed far away from these events, unless Hoseok used his deadly pout, which, indeed, he had), mingle and flirt and generally charm the money from people's pockets.

It's for a good cause, he reminds himself, as the daughter of one of the many CEOs present drags a silk-gloved hand across his arm, teeth flashing pearly white just like the necklace around her neck.

He realizes an escape plan when he spots Hoseok approaching him. When the older man attempts
to pass, Taehyung grabs him by the elbow material of his suit jacket and drags him away, all the while nodding his apologies to the girl and smiling as pleasantly as he can.

He manages to get them to one of the more private balconies of the room before asking his burning question. "Hoseok, where is Jeongg- Dr. Jeon?" Taehyung clears his throat, clasping his hands behind his back and setting his mouth into a frown, trying his hardest to look displeased when in reality, he's burning with anxiety.

"He said he'd be a little late." Hoseok clicks his tongue in annoyance, jerking his arm out of Taehyung's grip and smoothing the material. "He had to go pick up his date."

Taehyung's eyebrows shoot up, and something terribly close to jealousy swirls in his stomach.

"Date? He didn't tell me anything about a date."

Hoseok shoots Taehyung a look. "Dr. Jeon didn't tell you anything. I handled all the invitations, Taehyung. How would you know if he was bringing a plus one or not? Why would you care?

Taehyung's mouth opens and closes, but he can't come up with any sort of excuse.

"You have a strange fixation on Dr. Jeon, Taehyung," Hoseok leans in, eyes narrowing. "You don't plan to turn him into one of your little fixes, do you?"

"No, no!" Taehyung says, a little too loudly. His eyes dart around him, making sure no one was privy to his little outburst. "No, I'm just... curious."

"Right..." Hoseok drawls, eyes still narrowed, looking less than convinced, before his eyes scan over the ballroom floor and widen when he notices something.

"Oh! It's Dr. Jeon!" Taehyung's eyes snap to the direction Hoseok points in, and his stomach churns violently.

Jeongguk enters the ballroom the way a prince would, charming, poised, and his aura draws attention, makes heads turn as he smiles, bowing politely to the other guests as he walks past, dressed to perfection in a black suit and crisp white dress shirt, black silk tie clinging to his throat, and a man clinging to his arm.

Taehyung's eyes narrow as he zeroes in on the tall, broad-shouldered man who hangs delicately from Jeongguk's crooked elbow, takes in the pretty face, the light brunette hair, and pouty pink lips, and he thinks the man belongs more in a magazine than standing next to Jeongguk.

And then he realizes that the man is on the cover of magazines. This is Kim Seokjin, international runway model and actor, lauded worldwide for his soft, irresistible features and charm.

Currently, Kim Seokjin is charming it up with Jeongguk, and as Taehyung watches with growing ferocity, he notes how the two seem to be attached at the hip, how close they lean in when they converse, the quiet, secret little smiles that Taehyung knows only lovers share.

Taehyung is positively livid.

"He never mentioned a boyfriend," Taehyung hisses, and clamps his mouth shut once he's realized he's said it out loud. Hoseok gives him another odd look.

"Why would he?"

Why would he? Taehyung wonders. It's not like he has to tell me about his love life... Not really. Just because we were together in high school...

And Taehyung realizes, with a sinking feeling as Jeongguk tips his head back in laughter at something Seokjin says, that Jeongguk doesn't belong to him. Not anymore, at least.

"Let's go say hello," Hoseok prompts, and Taehyung is content to remain rooted to his spot, but he supposes he's taken part in enough suspicious behavior for one night, so he just trails after Hoseok.

Pull it together, Kim Taehyung, He tucks his hands into his suit pants pockets, smiling and nodding as he passes guests while making their way towards Jeongguk.

"Dr. Jeon! How nice it is to see you!" Hoseok smiles widely, offering his hand. Jeongguk shakes it graciously.

"This is Kim Seokjin, " Jeongguk introduces, placing a hand at the base of Seokjin's spine and smiling proudly. Taehyung notes the lack of the pronoun.

"Thank you for inviting me," Seokjin says, smiling pleasantly. "Oh, and you must be Kim Taehyung."

"Pleasure," Taehyung smiles tightly, shaking the man's hand.

"I am very intrigued by your cause, Taehyung ssi, Jeongguk has been telling me so much about it."

"Oh really?" Taehyung drawls, raising an eyebrow at Jeongguk, who narrows his eyes for just a millisecond, and paints a wider smile on his face. "I would love to talk to you about it."


Save me 😴😴😴😴😴

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