Epilogue - 3

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Picking out something to wear takes careful consideration. Taehyung wants to wear something that'll please Jeongguk. He takes out his favorite long-sleeve shirt-- striped dark green and gray-- and slips it on. The soft cotton feels heavenly against his skin, and he stares at himself in the full-length mirror, pleased with how the hem stops mid-thigh. Then he slips on a pair of tight grey briefs, the color matching the sweater.

He knows Jeongguk loves it when he wears them, and Taehyung likes it too-- he likes the way the fabric sticks to him like a second skin. And my ass looks great, he thinks coyly, turning around and lifting the shirt hem so he can admire the way the underwear looks on him. Oh yes , Taehyung smiles, pleased. Daddy will like this so much.

He touches the collar, the gold resting perfectly on his collarbone, and he gives himself one last look, before walking into the kitchen. He rifles through the fridge, and is taking out a carton of strawberries when Jeongguk walks in. Taehyung grips the carton in his hand, feeling a little lightheaded as Jeongguk walks towards him, clean-shaven, in a low cut tank top, boxers, and renewed intent in his eyes.

"What's for breakfast?" he asks, winding his arms around Taehyung's waist and tugging him against his chest.

"S-strawberries," Taehyung eeks out, the desire curling hot in his stomach as Jeongguk takes him in, sliding his hands down to his ass and squeezing appreciatively. Jeongguk looks at the carton in Taehyung's hands, and he smirks.

"Just strawberries?" His voice is teasing, like he knows how much Taehyung wants him.

"No," Taehyung murmurs, almost petulant, and Jeongguk chuckles.

"How about omelettes too? They're your favorite," Jeongguk suggests, and Taehyung nods.

Jeongguk presses a kiss to his forehead, before pulling away and moving to the fridge. They work in relative silence, with Taehyung chopping vegetables as Jeongguk sautés them. After living together for so long, Taehyung had picked up a couple things in the kitchen, and he could make Jeongguk meals now, all by himself.

They constantly brush against each other, not able to keep from touching for too long. It's a force of habit for Jeongguk to come up behind Taehyung while he works, slipping his hands around his waist and kissing him. And Taehyung likes to press against Jeongguk's side as they stand at the stove, watching the omelettes cook.

When they finish that, Jeongguk moves on to making fresh cream for the strawberries. Taehyung hops up onto the island, content to eat the fruit while watching his boyfriend standing over the mixer. When Jeongguk finishes, he takes out the bowl and brings it over to Taehyung, setting it on the side.

He dips his finger into the whip and holds it out. Taehyung leans in and licks it off, smacking his lips in playful consideration. "Perfect!" he proclaims, giggling. "Are you gonna taste it Daddy?"

Jeongguk hums in assent, and dips his finger in again, but he brings it up to smear across Taehyung's bottom lip, before leaning in and sucking it off. He pulls away slowly, tugging Taehyung's lip between his teeth. He leans back, smiling triumphantly. "Tastes so good, baby."

Taehyung exhales shakily and reaches into the bowl and dips two fingers into the cream before holding it out for Jeongguk. "More, Daddy?"

Jeongguk takes his hand and puts his fingers into his mouth, sucking on them obscenely, all the while keeping his eyes locked on Taehyung.

He pulls off with a pop, and Taehyung licks his lips, feeling a little light-headed. Jeongguk swipe another dollop of cream. "Open your mouth, baby."

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