Forty - 4

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There's nothing left.

Trigger warnings just in case someone is really sensitive. This chapter contains minor character death, suicidal thoughts, self harm, blood mentions, mentions of drug use. read at your own caution!

"Hello, is this Jeon Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk takes a deep breath, trying to steady his voice before speaking. "Yes."

His feet dangle precariously off the edge of the roof. He'd skipped class today, for the first time in his life, deciding instead to sit on the roof. There was something almost soothing about the wind blowing against him, cooling his heated skin. He was sweaty from the running and the panic attack, and he'd just managed to calm down his heart. If he doesn't think about what happened, he can almost pretend everything is normal.

But his arms sting from how hard he'd scratched them. There's blood under his nails, and his jaw feels sore from how hard he'd ground his teeth together. His vision has spots, and he isn't quite sure what was real and what isn't. There was no room for forgetting. He was perched on the building ledge, which probably wasn't the best place in his current state of mind or body, but he had nothing left to lose.

He'd spent a good amount of time crying and screaming, and now it seemed like there were simply no tears left to shed. Dry sobbing was the most painful, because that's when you knew everything had gone so far to shit that you'd cried more than your body was equipped to handle.

"This is child support services. I've been asked to contact you and inform you of the most recent development," The lady's voice is cold, clipped, all business. It's a welcome reprieve from the snide remarks, the sneers. At least the lady wasn't judging him.

"Park Sojin is dead. And her mother has been arrested on homicide charges, as well as for
possession methamphetamines and cocaine."

"What?" Jeongguk whispers, and any inkling of strength he had left in his body just evaporates. There's nothing left.

"Her brain continued hemorrhaging, and the doctors couldn't stop the bleeding. There was too much damage, and she died about an hour ago. My condolences, Jeongguk. I'm contacting you now to inform you of your options, since you're turning of age in a few months, and you've received a scholarship to Stanford Uni--"

Jeongguk doesn't hear anything else. He slackens his grip on the phone, and it slips out of his hand. He watches blanky as the tiny electronic device drops past the six stories and makes a sickening crunch on the pavement below. He wonders if he should follow after.


Maybe in another universe, they were meant to be. Being together in this lifetime wasn't their fate. Maybe Taehyung was too romantic, but he could feel the ache in his chest, a gaping hole that Jeongguk had filled, and taken with him when he'd run. It was a stupid idea, maybe, but Taehyung believed they were soulmates. There was something there, something almost like magic.

What else could have brought two such different people together? To love, to learn. The universe had given him a gift, the gift of Jeongguk's presence, his light, and Taehyung had decided he wasn't worth it. He'd given all that up. He was weak, a coward. But next time, he wouldn't be.

I promise you, Jeongguk. In the next life, in whatever universe, I'll find you. And when I do, I won't ever let you go. I'll be brave for you.


Taehyung - ah u idiot......

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