58 (M)

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Then i would love to

"You can have me--" Jeongguk opens his mouth to say something, but Taehyung cuts him off, "-- on one condition."

Jeongguk frowns, eyes still a little glazed. "What is it?"

Taehyung smiles, just one corner of his mouth lifting up, and he tilts his head coyly. "We do it my way."

"And what way is that?" Jeongguk presses his hips against Taehyungs, their lengths pressing together so deliciously Taehyung jerks. But he won't be deterred. He wont let Jeongguk always have the upper hand. And he needs this. He needs this intimacy with Jeongguk.

He thumbs at the column of Jeongguks throat, before dragging his fingers down to the collar of Jeongguks shirt. He keeps his eyes on Jeongguks as he undoes the knot of his silk tie and lets it drop to the ground. He undoes the vest and slides it off Jeongguk's shoulders, then pops the first two buttons of the shirt, eyes flitting to the newly exposed skin and back up.


And then he leans forward to brush his lips against Jeongguks, just barely. But it makes Jeongguk impatient, rolling his hips forward, and Taehyung gasps, before laughing breathlessly. "Fuck me from the front this time," he murmurs, body jerking again as Jeongguk grinds against him.

"Slowly. Make me-- ah-- make me beg for it," Taehyung says, losing his breath and his train of thought as the heat pools quickly in his stomach.

Taehyung feels Jeongguks lips curve into a smirk against his own. "That, I can do," he murmurs, and it sounds so dangerous, so predatory, that Taehyung lets out a stuttered breath, and he finally finally presses his lips against Jeongguks.

And from there, Taehyung drops all attempts at control, letting Jeongguk wrap around him, consume him like the fire blazing under his skin. Jeongguk starts off slow, until Taehyung is moaning for more, pressing closer and squirming against him. And then his kisses are merciless, as he slips his tongue into Taehyungs mouth without needing to ask, not when Taehyungs opened his mouth for him, begging him to take him.

Jeongguk grips Taehyungs hips and lifts him up so hes perched on the counter and Taehyung hums into his mouth, pleased, and wraps his legs and arms around Jeongguk, pulling him closer and closer.

Taehyung tugs at Jeongguks hair as they kiss, wet and noisy and so so good. Jeongguk is intense as always, managing to wreck Taehyung so thoroughly in mere minutes that he can barely get a grip on himself when they break apart for air.

Jeongguk doesn't stop kissing Taehyung, mouthing along his jaw and his neck, undoing just enough buttons of his shirt so he can pull the fabric down, exposing Taehyungs shoulders, and he leans in, sucking desperately against the sweet skin.

Jeongguk, Taehyung gasps, tilting his head back and letting his eyes screw shut as Jeongguk laves his tongue against him, making his first mark of the night. Jeongguk pulls away once the skin is bruised to his satisfaction and looks at Taehyung, before leaning in for another deep kiss.

"Do you want me to fuck you on the counter? Or on the bed...?" Jeongguk asks, voice deep and husky, the way it gets when hes just as far gone as Taehyung. Taehyung lets out a stuttered moan as he bucks up against Jeongguks body at the words. Jeongguk pulls back, teasing. "Your choice."

It takes Taehyung a moment to calm himself enough to give a coherent answer. "Bed," he mumbles, leaning forward, aching to have Jeongguks lips against his again and it seems to do the trick, because Jeongguk gives it to him; lets him have his kiss as he pulls Taehyung closer, secure against his body.

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