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I'll cook you dinner

Breathe in.

Taehyung takes in as deep a breath as physiologically possible and he ends up with a lung full of Jeongguks cologne. His body goes weak at that, heat pooling in his stomach, and he coughs in surprise at the sudden, knee jerk reaction to Jeongguks smell.

Jeongguk pulls back instantly, frowning. Are you alright? he asks, voice laced with genuine worry.

Fine, Taehyung croaks out, eyes watering a bit from the burning in his mouth.

Can I get you some water? Do you need to lie down?

No no, I swear Im fine, Taehyung says dismissively, mildly embarrassed, but Jeongguk doesnt seem to have a clue, so he plays it off. Just had one of those sudden scratches at the back of my throat. You know? Jeongguk eyes him with concern. Anyways, sorry to interrupt. You can go back to doing your doctor thing now.

That gets Taehyung a hint of a smile from Jeongguk and he thinks all is not yet lost.

Alright, Jeongguk says softly and leans in again. Taehyung resists the urge to shut his eyes, because Jeongguk is too damn close . Taehyung can see the scarring behind Jeongguks ear, count his eyelashes, smell his cologne. And Jeongguk is just so warm, his entire body radiating this comforting heat near Taehyung and its so nice, considering how frigid this room is.

Jeongguk presses his hand slowly-- hesitantly?-- against Taehyungs back as he presses the head of the stethoscope just barely to the left of center on Taehyungs chest and furrows his eyebrows in concentration. The heat of his hand bleeds through the thin fabric of Taehyungs gown. He suppresses the urge to shiver, though its hard enough trying to maintain his embarrassingly quick heart rate, much less any other reaction he might have when Jeongguk is close. Hes so focused on his own problems that he doesnt notice the stethoscope tremble in Jeongguks hand.

Youre so tense, Jeongguk says softly and Taehyung wants to melt against the words. It feels almost silly, how drawn he is to the man. Theyd only slept together three times-- and only once had it actually gone well-- and it still isnt clear what they are, but Taehyung thinks he might be a little bit in love already.

No, Im not, Taehyung says on reflex. Jeongguk smiles knowingly (What could he know?) and glances down at Taehyungs hands, currently clenched tight against the edge of the examination bed. Oh, he says, unfurling his fingers in surprise.

Am I making you uncomfortable? Jeongguk asks and the anxiousness in his tone throws Taehyung off. This Jeongguk-- gentle, awkward, hesitant Jeongguk-- is someone who Taehyung had thought hed lost a long time ago. He doesnt know what to make of Jeongguks behavior in this situation.

What? No I just-- Taehyung swallows and briefly considers the idea that he might make Jeongguk uncomfortable. Its been a long day, he says finally, sighing.

I second that, Jeongguk says, looking a bit relieved, and Taehyung is disappointed when he steps back completely, draping the stethoscope around his neck.

So whats the verdict, doc? Taehyung asks, trying to dispel the odd, thick feeling in the air as Jeongguk settles down on the stool by the computer and starts typing away at what Taehyung assumes is his chart.

You look healthy. Though your blood pressure is a bit high. You measure it regularly, right?"

Taehyung nods. Itd become something like a habit in the last couple of months, checking his blood pressure every couple of hours. Its been around 140/80.

Jeongguk nods. Its a bit high. I might increase your dosage of beta blockers. Taehyung tries hard not to scrunch his face in distaste. He hated medication, since it had been such a consistent. factor in his life growing up, and now he was on a whole cocktail of them as prescribed by one Dr. Jeon Jeongguk.

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