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His t-toy?

Jeongguk dangles his feet over the ledge of the library rooftop, trying not to cry.

God, I'm so stupid.

He and Taehyung hadn't spoken all week. Jeongguk knows when he's being avoided, and every time Taehyung actively breaks eye contact, ignores him, it sends a fresh wave of sadness through Jeongguk.

He had spent his entire life feeling unwanted. His own parents had dumped him on the doorstep of Hyunsik when he was ten, when they realized Jeongguk's hyperactive brain required things they couldn't provide.

They had decided, after a while, that Jeongguk wasn't worth it. And now... Jeongguk figures Taehyung felt the same.

It was confusing. Because Jeongguk had been elated when they had basically confessed to each other. He thought that he might have really found someone who might like him unconditionally. But it was like the sun was shining one day, and then there was a storm the next.

Was falling in love always like this?

Jeongguk had never had anyone express interest in him. Ever. He had lived most of his life overlooked. At the orphanage, he was expected to help care for the other kids. He had never been taken care of with someone's undivided attention.

And then Taehyung had come in, with unclear intentions but a smile so bright it made Jeongguk dizzy, and he had gotten so caught up in the older's constant attention.

Maybe he was spoiled. He had gotten used to Taehyung. The lavender-haired teenager had become a constant, a crutch, that Jeongguk had forgotten that Taehyung had a life outside all of this. And Jeongguk... didn't like it.

Taehyung hadn't shown up to the roof... again. Jeongguk waited faithfully at their spot--he considered it his and Taehyung's, it was their secret place--but Taehyung never showed up.

He shouldn't be so pathetic, he knows. But Taehyung was... Taehyung. And Jeongguk had fallen so hard he hadn't even noticed.

"So this is where you hide all the time." a female voice calls out, and Jeongguk jolts in shock. He wipes at the tears he didn't know had been falling with his sleeve before turning.

Jeongguk turns to see Minah, standing there in the middle of the roof, with her hands on her hips, eyes glinting darkly.

"This is really something." she says, appraising the space while stepping closer. Jeongguk's mind is reeling, but he swings his feet back up, turning to hop off the ledge, wiping at his nose.

"C-can I help you?"

Minah rolls her eyes. "You're Taehyung's little toy this year, right?" Jeongguk's face twists.

"His t-toy?

Minah laughs. It's high pitched, derisive, and Jeongguk's stomach churns. "Whatever he says you are. Friend, boyfriend," Noting Jeongguk's confused face, she widens her eyes, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Oh gosh , he hasn't confessed to you yet?" Minah asks, looking legitimately surprised. "He usually works more quickly than this. I would have thought the bet would have been over by now,"

"What bet?" Jeongguk's mind feels like it's working at snail-speed, because he's not processing a word Minah's saying.

"You know the bet that he and his idiot friends make every year? Where Taehyung has to seduce a new target or whatever?"

Jeongguk feels like the wind is being knocked out of his lungs. This was a bet? He was being seduced?

Minah narrows her eyes. "You don't know anything about this." She steps closer, and Jeongguk wants to step back, run, but he has nowhere to go.

"Listen here, Jeon Jeongguk. Taehyung is playing you. He's going to confess and make you feel special and loved and then he's going to break your heart."

Jeongguk's entire body is burning, and he can't breathe . There are too many thoughts whirling in his brain and he can't pin down anything. He's thinking so much he can't think.

"Y-you're lying." Jeongguk whispers.

Minah rolls her eyes, walking forward until there's only a foot of space between them. "I have no reason to. After all, I was last year's victim."

Jeongguk balks, color draining from his face. He had just come to Bangtan this year. He didn't know anything about Taehyung in the past. He didn't know anything period.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Minah smiles, and it makes Jeongguk panic. "I'm telling you this because I want to get back at Taehyung. I want revenge... and I want your help."

"Why?" Jeongguk eeks out. He feels like the entire world is getting smaller and smaller around him.

"I heard that you were really smart. We could hurt him together." Minah's smile is wicked, and Jeongguk is nauseous. The shock is keeping him from stringing together coherent thoughts. He braces his hands behind him on the ledge because his knees are going to give out on him.

"Minah. Step away from Jeongguk."


I'm idiot, Period.

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