Epilogue - 1

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All mine

*18 + content *

Two years later

Taehyung wakes up warm, feeling utterly content. His hair is being stroked, he loves that, and he smiles, still not completely conscious, and snuggles closer to the warm body pressed against him.

"G'morning Jeonggukie," Taehyung slurs, pressing his nose blindly against the column of his boyfriend's throat. And then he realizes what he's said, and snaps his eyes open. "Jeonggukie?"

He tilts his head back, eyes wide, as he takes in Jeongguk in all of his morning glory-- eyes sleepy and kind, body warm against Taehyung, and the dark shadow of stubble along his jaw, making Taehyung's throat go dry.

It'd been so long since Taehyung had woken up to Jeongguk beside him, what with him taking on so many shifts at the hospital, at the oddest of hours, for days at a time. Jeongguk would work through the night and come back just in time for Taehyung to leave for his own work, and sometimes there'd be no more than a kiss good morning before Jeongguk would promptly dive into bed and knock out, before being up and gone again before Taehyung got back.

It was safe to say that Taehyung missed Jeongguk, missed the sound of his voice and the smell of his skin and everything else that made up his essence. They'd made dinner plans for today, for Taehyung's birthday, and he'd been looking forward to that ever since Jeongguk told him he'd managed to get time off for it.

So this, this moment where Taehyung is wrapped in Jeongguk's arms, pressed against his chest, and staring up as Jeongguk rubs his back soothingly, is heaven.

"Morning baby," Jeongguk murmurs, titling his head in to kiss Taehyung's nose.

Taehyung continues to gape at him. "You-- You're here." Something akin to guilt flashes across Jeongguk's eyes. "I thought you had work?"

"I did, but I worked things out." The way Jeongguk says it is nonchalant, but Taehyung isn't convinced.

"It can't have been that easy."

Jeongguk smiles, shaking his head. "I took care of it, Tae. Don't worry about it." He doesn't mention how many phone calls he'd had to make, how many extra shifts he'd had to pick up, and appointments he'd had to rearrange so he could have this day with Taehyung, because it doesn't matter. All that matters is having Taehyung in his arms like this.

Taehyung seems to want to protest, but Jeongguk cuts him off with a peck to the lips. "Stop overthinking this, love. I'm right here."

And when Jeongguk kisses him again, Taehyung forgets everything he was going to say, because it'd really been so long since he'd had this, since Jeongguk had touched him like this, and he just melts. There's a storm outside, and the frost frames the windows of their bedroom, but in bed, under the covers, with Jeongguk's body pressed against him, Taehyung is warm to the core.

They break apart, only to kiss again, Jeongguk nipping playfully at Taehyung's lips. Taehyung giggles, bringing up his hand to stroke against Jeongguk's jaw. It's rough with stubble but he loves it; he loves seeing Jeongguk like this, with his hair falling over his eyes and his voice rough around the edges. And he's more needy like this too, quick to push their bodies together and search for more kisses. Morning Jeongguk is the sexiest Jeongguk.

Jeongguk wraps his arms tighter around Taehyung, his warm hands slipping under Taehyung's sweater, stroking along his bare skin. Taehyung hums in pleasure, and Jeongguk answers with his own as Taehyung wriggles closer.

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