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Want to make love to you

"Taehyung, where are we going?" Jeongguk asks, squirming in his seat. Taehyung just grins at him, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's a surprise! You'll see."

Taehyung had been intensely planning this for the past two weeks. He'd consulted Yoongi for logistics, and asked Namjoon for special permission. He'd dedicated every free moment to coordinating this, because he wanted everything to be perfect.

Jeongguk deserved nothing less.

"You look really cute, Gukkie," Taehyung says, mostly to distract the younger, but it doesn't make it any less true. Taehyung had bought Jeongguk a tailor made suit under the guise of wearing it to their senior prom (which was, coincidentally, tonight), but Taehyung knew the younger didn't really want to go, so he made different plans.

"We're not going in the direction of the school, Taehyung," Jeongguk points out, and Taehyung just smirks.

"I know." He reaches over to slide his hand into Jeongguk's. The younger tightens his grip, tangling their fingers together, and smiles sweetly.

Taehyung's heart stutters, because tonight is
their night.

Jeongguk had brought it up shyly last week. About him wanting to lose his virginity to Taehyung.

Taehyung himself had been thinking about it, but he didn't want to bring it up in case Jeongguk felt pressured, so he wanted to wait until the time was right.

They had talked about it together. Their boundaries and comfort levels, everything, because Taehyung, while also a virgin, felt like he had a special responsibility in making sure Jeongguk was comfortable with the pace of their relationship, both emotionally and physically. It had been awkward having that conversation, but it felt nice after, knowing they were on the same page, and wanted the same things.

Beside Taehyung, Jeongguk gasps, as the car pulls into the valet area of the Rise Suites and Gardens in Kangnam. Taehyung had considered doing this at the main hotel, but Jeongguk loved being outside, and the gardens were the most perfect place.

The driver gets out to open the door for them, and Taehyung steps out first, holding his hand out to Jeongguk as he comes out of the car.

"Wow," Jeongguk breathes, eyes wide as he takes in the building. The Rise Suites and Gardens had been designed in an almost Greek fashion, with pillars of tall white marble and figures etched into the walls that had been covered strategically with various vines and hanging flowers. There's also a large waterfall outside, the roar of the water covering up the buzz of busy traffic.

Taehyung shivers in anticipation. He had always loved this place. He always felt like he was about to go on a wild adventure whenever he came.

"I feel like I'm about to go on a safari," Jeongguk jokes, and Taehyung grins, because that's exactly what he had been thinking.

"It's even cooler inside, come on!" Taehyung tugs at Jeongguk's hand, and the younger boy laughs and follows after. The doorman bows his head to Taehyung and Jeongguk, who return it, and opens the wide glass door.

"Wow," It seems like that's the only word Jeongguk knows, but Taehyung deems it appropriate.

The lobby is like an indoor arboretum, with large, golden planters with trees growing out of them, artificial vines growing around the roof, flowers dotting every corner of vision. In the center of the space, there's a pond, full of purple and pink water lilies and koi fish. A sense of peace permeates the air, and Taehyung sighs, releasing all the tension in his body.

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